[ESP-ENG] Rising Star: My instinct was not deceiving me..!!!

in Rising Star Game4 years ago (edited)

Fred Dead Mission 21.JPG

Fred Dead Mission 1 2.JPG

Hola amigos HIVERS...

Aquí estoy de nuevo. Esta vez con una buena noticia (por lo menos para mí).

Tomé parte de mis HIVES ahorrados y adquirí la Carta del ojeroso Undead Fred y luego de 4 intentos este es el resultado:

  • S3 Pumpkin Bass

Nada mal...

Mi instinto NO me engañaba..!!!

Yo sabía que tenía que INVERTIR en algunas CARTAS de SUERTE (ver mi post anterior).
Y aquí está el resultado...

A los que todavía lo dudan: les animo a probar este emocionante juego que de seguro les va a enganchar desde el principio (como a mí). Bye.

Hello friends HIVERS ...

I'm here again. This time with good news (at least for me).

I took part of my saved HIVES and acquired the haggard S1 Undead Fred Card and after 4 attempts this is the result:

  • S3 Pumpkin Bass

Nothing bad...

My instinct was NOT deceiving me..!!!

I KNEW I HAD TO INVEST in some LUCKY LETTERS (see my previous post).
And here is the result ...

To those who still doubt it: I encourage you to try this exciting game that will surely hook you from the beginning (as it happened to me). Bye.

Fred Dead Mission 11.JPG


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