⭐️ Rising Star - weekend card giveaway - ends 24/11 + game progress updates

in Rising Star Game3 years ago

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good progress since last post.
Currently, doing a mix set of small and big missions to maximize starbits and XP accumulation. Also, working towards my goal to buy a millionaire card.

Common Card Giveaway:

Today, i am going to giveaway a common card.

Three simple rules:

a) Comment below with your risingstar username.
b) Upvote this post, if you want to :-)
c) Follow and Re-post, if you like this post.

I will pick a winner on 24/11 after 4.00pm UK time.

NOTE: If this post doesn't get atleast 15 participants, i will NOT do the Draw. But, to appreciate the participation i will upvote the comments instead.

Updated goals for November:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusStill need
Custom shop missions1515completed

Need 6630 starbits per day. I think i can achieve this.
Need 463 XP to reach level 87.

Ultimate goal is to buy the millionaire card by July'2022.

TargetAccumulated% completed

Game Stats:


Skills - 6047 from cards, 12786 from lessons
Fans - 10830 from cards, temporary 0
Luck - 2407
Cards - 281

Ego from fans - 10830 (0 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 7753
Total - 18583

Players Ranking:


Rare Card Swaps:

Anyone interested in card swaps, please comment below.

Cards to swap:
Type of CardCard Name
PeopleR96 MC Bruv
PeopleR61 Vimbo
PeopleR59 Laney
PeopleR77 Rezz
PeopleR85 Carly
PeopleR87 Stacy
PeopleR54 Ellie
PeopleR51 Brad
PeopleR49 Bethany
InstrumentsR57 Pink Mic
InstrumentsR46 Guitar
InstrumentsR45 Mandolin
InstrumentsR64 RS 30 Guitar Synth
Cards i want:
Type of CardCard Name
PeopleR48 Jessie
PeopleR50 Ali
PeopleR41 Storm
PeopleR66 Matt
PeopleR69 lucy
PeopleR5 Male Rapper
PeopleR42 Kris
PeopleR4 Female Rapper
PeopleR8 Lead Guitarist
InstrumentsR6 Congas
InstrumentsR43 String machine
InstrumentsR33 Hong drum

Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-completed-custom-production-fair-missions-goal--game-progress-updates


@blitzzzz, @chris.topher, @ravenmus1c, @amaillo, @andy-plays, @yankosoito
@benthomaswwd, @dragon29, @jeisonamigo, @thecbp-hiver, @ghua
Thank you for participating,
But sadly, we did not reach the 15 participants to do the draw.

To appreciate your participation, i will upvote your comments in this post.


Oh well thanks my friend @imfarhad
Much appreciated buddy
Have the best day:)

It's okay

That is okay, I like reading your posts, and upvoting your work :-)

That is awesome, combining small and large missions seems to be serving you well. How did you develop that strategy?
A Millionaire card sounds really cool.

trial and error i guess. It still not perfect though.
This helps me recharge the pizza energy.

Yes, i was initially not keen on the millionaire card. But now i want it as the starbits i earn from that mission will help me buy more card packs.

Please count me in for the giveaway! @andy-plays

Great Risingstar post @imfarhad
Hope your give away goes well
Have the best day my friend

Add me, please. I'm @thecbp-hiver.


count me in pls!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@thecbp-hiver(4/10) tipped @imfarhad (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE