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RE: Music Promoter Changes

in Rising Star Game2 years ago

I think you made his point - it's not about the quantity of players, it's about the distribution of the SP. In the current model, the more SB you can chuck at it, the more SP you can earn - so looking at thge numbers you provide you have the top 5 players earning ~75% of the daily supply. Sounds like whales to me 😉

To be clear, I have no axe to grind here. To me, as ever - it is what it is, and my brain goes soggy when folk start talking about liquidity and inflationary tokens and burning and stuff.

I'm currently splitting the SB I earn 50/50 between buying packs and hodling. On occasion in the past if prices have been favourable, I've cashed some of the hodling out and used the money to buy music. Seemed apposite. 😉

I was lucky to get in at the start of Music Promoter where investing a modest amount got decent returns - enough to see me though the world tour and carry me into the fan club stuff a bit.

If a new mechanic comes in where I need SP to join in something that looks cool to play (sounds intriguing, by the way...), I may divert some of my pack buying or hodling to buying SP on the market - 'cos I look t those figures above and what the current MP bids sit at and I'm not sure I can swim in those waters...

That said, I've just done some quick back of a fag packet calcs. going by your model above (7M SB to get 100 SP), means 1SP = 70,000 SB.

Looking at the market, unless I've screwed up my calcs, 1 SP on the market at the moment costs ~67500 SB. So easier to let the top 5 in that list above invest, then I'll buy off them in the market I guess. 🤷‍♂

But like I said, as soon as I try to get clever with the tokenomics, my brain goes like this:


So I guess I should shut up and carry on grinding the missions and buying my packs...


Yes your calculation is correct which ties up with our calculation and therefore the 7,000,000 threshold for 100 STARPRO.

I still get confused why people think whales are a negative thing though. If they are willing to spend the STARBITS then they help everyone because the alternative is they either don't buy STARBITS or they sell the STARBITS they have earned. Both scenarios put selling pressure on the tokens. Trying to stop people spending money in the game doesn't make sense to me.

Also the list I posted above is just one day. The top people change quite frequently because people decide to stock up on STARPRO by bidding the highest for a day then stopping so it's not just a few accounts that get the most STARPRO.

I still suspect that 'the top people' are still a small percentage of the daily players, though. But I may be wrong. 😉

Not that it matters. Like you said - maybe whales are good for the reasons you say (and remember gribbles gets mushybrain when he tries to grok this stuff), but I still think the Music Promoter is probably a part of the game the vast majority don't feel like they can participate in.

But hey, I trust you Jux. As I've said plenty of times before - you've built something that has brought me great pleasure and introduced me to new friends and music. Your credit is good here, sir.

I should perhaps stay out of these sort of discussions, given my admission that I don't appreciate the intricacies of the tokenomics.

I'm off to work on Lang/V's Audius remix - now that's something I do understand 😄😊😉👍

I always appreciate your POV as it is often different than others.

Have fun!

Please don't stay out of these discussions. My point of view is very similar to yours (easier to just buy as and when I need SP from the market) and I'm also rubbish at the tokenomics. It's nice to read someone else's view point that doesn't going over my head. 😂

That is not true my fren. JUX is from GB and Musicuniversity is from Germany. I don't know if they both attend hive-fest but if so I will try to get a selfie of us 3 so you can have proof. If you check how the two accounts use the english language you will probably notice that there is a difference. That is because MU is from Germany and english is not his native language.

Yes Omg the selfie! Well musicuniversity was not there. Ao sorry no picture of proof, you can continue in believing whatever you want, have fun.