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RE: Coming Soon to Rising Star - Music NFTs and "Rising Star Angels"

in Rising Star Game3 years ago


I'm pretty ambivalent about NFTs outside of the context of something like RS, so have avoided doing anything with my music until some clear benefit other than making a quick $$$ presents itself. 😉

This, though, sounds fun and make perfect sense in the context of the game. And really does extend the boundaries of what the game is - in a good way. Nice one!

Looking forward to getting involved...


I know you feel NFTs make things more complicated for the muggles and I hear you however something that has actually happened in the art world is that NFTs are bringing people who had no interest in crypto into it. Now granted most of them are just after a quick buck but once you go down the crypto rabbit hole there's no coming back! :P Many don't even realise it is crypto at first as they just follow the instructions on the relevant site.