What is going on fellow Buskerians hope you're having a wonderful rocking out in beautiful Buskeria.
This is the weekly recap of Rising Star Tv where we showcase the artists in the game and do rising star giveaways through twitch.
This week was another fun week with some great music played through the stream make sure you tune in every Thursday/Friday depending on what timezone you are in for lots of fun and excitement.
Join us next week for another show of music and giveaways with some fun games like marbles mixed in hope to see you there.
Missed The Show?
Catch The Replay Below

Song Showcase
This week we got to play a wide variety of different songs. I encourage any of the artists or players who just wanna showcase one of their favourite songs in the game for us to play on stream.
Starting out the show we had the new drop from @langvmusic
Then we got to a new banger from the one and only @newenx this was a newly released song Reina La Crueldad a song that talks about all the cruelty in the world and is an absolute headbanger of a tune.
The next song was a wonderful tune by @theturtleproject with his song still
And last but not least we got the amazing Shani Ace and their hit Acension
What Is Rising Star?
Rising star is a play2earn music game where you start out as a simple busker earning a few starbits here and there but growing into a massive rockstar in the city of Busekeria. You will eventually level up to where you can start forming a band and going on tours. You can use stabits to buy packs in-game as well as in-game assets and also run music promoter missions earning you starpro which is another currency in the game.
Hi Drabs - I have a slightly off topic question for ya - how do you get your posts to be on multiple platforms (peakd and 1up for instance). Are you posting it in one, then copying the post over to the other? Curious as to how it works. Thanks.
And yes, Rising Star Rocks!
ThunderJack/Geek in the Family
Oh that is what the tags at the bottom are for, so by using the oneup tag and neoxian tag it will post it to those communities. just make sure you use the correct tags for what your talking about some tags are generic so you can use them on anything others pr more specific like oneup is to do with play2earn gaming and neoxian is general use
this is good to know, really appreciate the info. Thanks. It's a learning experience.
This post reminded me to join my daily mission. I haven't opened Rising Star today
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(2/15) @drabs587 tipped @thunderjack (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!
RISING the best