Hive Engine + Rising Star Giveaway #009 (1000 Starbits) (eng/esp)

Hello friend, today I present to you the last publication related to the Promote Fan Club mission. I know that most likely you already know how to do what I am going to teach you, but the series would be incomplete if I don't write this. I'm going to show you how to sell Starbits and buy Starpro in Hive Engine.
Hola amigo, hoy te presento la última publicación relacionada a la misión Promote Fan Club. Sé que lo más probable es que ya sepas hacer lo que te voy a enseñar, pero la serie quedaría incompleta si no escribo esto. Te voy a mostrar como vender Starbits y comprar Starpro en Hive Engine.

After withdrawing the Starbits from the game you go to the Market section in Hive Engine and look for Starbits among the available tokens. Further down in the left column you can buy Starbits and in the right column you can sell them. In this case we are going to sell, so we go to the right. First you will put the price at which you want to sell, to choose the price you can be guided by the sell orders that are below. Then you select the total of Starbits that you will to sell and just below it will show you how much Hive you will get. You press the Sell STARBITS button, approve the transaction in the wallet and wait for someone to buy it.
Después de retirar los Starbits del juego vas al apartado Market en Hive Engine y buscas Starbits entre los tokens disponibles. Más abajo en la columna de la izquierda podrás comprar Starbits y en la de la derecha podrás venderlos. En este caso vamos a vender, así que vamos a la derecha. Primero pondrás el precio al que quieres vender, para elegir el precio puedes guiarte por las órdenes de venta que se encuentran más abajo. Luego seleccionas el total de Starbits que venderás y justo debajo te mostrará cuanto Hive obtendrás. Presionas el botón Sell STARBITS, apruebas la transacción en la billetera y esperas a que alguien lo compre.

(...20 minutes later) Once the sale is complete we look for the Starpro token (or any other you want to buy). This time in the left column we select the price at which we want to buy and the quantity. Likewise below it will tell us how much Hive represents that amount. If you want your purchase to be made quickly, you should look at the price at which there are sell orders on the right and put the first one on top. When you are ready, press the Buy STARPRO button and wait for the purchase to complete.
(...20 minutos después) Una vez completada la venta buscamos el token Starpro (o cualquier otro que quieras comprar). Esta vez en la columna de la izquierda seleccionamos el precio al que queremos comprar y la cantidad. Igualmente abajo nos dirá cuánto Hive representa esa cantidad. Si quieres que tu compra se haga rápido debes fijarte a la derecha el precio en que hay órdenes de venta y poner el primero de arriba. Cuando estés listo presiona el botón Buy STARPRO y espera a que se complete la compra.

Done, you already have Starpro in your account. Anyway, I think that more can be obtained if you choose the right moment to enter in Music Promoter. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I invite you to read my last post.
Listo, ya tienes Starpro en tu cuenta. De todos modos, yo pienso que se puede obtener una mayor cantidad si eliges el momento correcto de entrar en Music Promoter. Si no sabes de lo que hablo te invito a leer mi publicación pasada.

Now it's time to meet the winner of the previous giveaway. Congratulations!
Ahora llegó el momento de conocer al ganador del sorteo anterior. ¡Felicidades!



Other participants: @lorddiablo, @criptosectadepit, @luizeba, @amaillo, @henruc, @imfarhad, @tinyputerboy, @manuwalleteos, @ydaiznfts, @tokutaro22, @blitzzzz, @coquicoin, @nopasaran72, @eddqq, @davideownzall, @pero82, @orenj1, @urkanon, @engilhramn,

Remember that to participate in the giveaways you only have to write a comment. If you haven't started to play Rising Star yet, I invite you to do so with my link. Greetings and see you in Buskeria 😉.
Recuerda que para participar en los sorteos solo debes escribir un comentario. Si aún no has empezado a jugar Rising Star te invito a hacerlo con mi enlace. Saludos y nos vemos en Buskeria 😉.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @blueprint91 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

A mi si que me a servido. Aún no controlo mucho este mundo. Muchas gracias.

Niceeeeeee 🤜🤛


Congratulations @blueprint91! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You published more than 10 posts.
Your next target is to reach 20 posts.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in.

Good luck, all.


Muchas gracias por el post, esta forma (sin tener en cuenta fluctuaciones y demás) parece ser más cara que la anterior que comentaste.
Cuenta conmigo para el sorteo @urkanon !PGM

Es más cara y ahora me acordé de otro detalle. En el juego solo puedes depositar un mínimo de 1 Starpro, por lo que tendrías que conseguir una mayor cantidad de una sola vez.

Gracias, he probado el otro metodo haciendo un bid con 10mil starbits, tengo 0.54 starpro o así, gracias por la ayuda !PGM !HBIT

Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily

Contest: Nominate a symbol for the quark.

Please add me on this giveaway, thank you lots!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

count me in



Count me in! @engilhramn

@blueprint91! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @engilhramn. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Include me, and thanks for your giveaway!




PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@risingstargame(5/15) tipped @blueprint91 (x1)
criptosectadepit tipped blueprint91 (x1)
lespipirisnais tipped blueprint91 (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

count me in, thanks

Count me in! Ty 🙏
ign: @pero82

Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

IGN: @luizeba


count me in
!Gif dancing-8bits


Thank you for voting for our proposal

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE