«The Game»

LoL, and to think that this son of a bitch has me included in his muted list just like the other motherfuckers on his team and this supposedly means that neither he nor the other SoBs are able to read my content as to dare to come to my blog and piss off a bit my patience by pulling my shaved tongue even more. ¡What a fucking losers!

What only goes to prove that these SoBs actually have other alternative Hive accounts where they hide the transactions of the money stolen from the community through Valueplan and other subterfuges that they use and do nothing but uselessly and unpunishedly bleed the DHF of its funds that would otherwise be used for noble causes that do deserve it.
Alternative Hive accounts from where they also monitor, watch and actually are able to read the content, posts and comments of those who like me have been muted on their main accounts and who know, publish and report about their criminal maneuvers of fraud and illicit enrichment, to then dare to come to our blogs to also steal our four cents from the articles we have published along the week. Yeah, these motherfuckers are not satisfied with just stealing from the entire community. They also want our few cents. ¡Wadda clumsy thieves and useless son of bitches!
On other hand, it is also possible that they have a gang of snitches, sycophants, asskissers and would-be thieves who tell them about what decent and informed people have published about them and their criminal activities, seeking to ingratiate themselves with these SoBs and that some of that illicit money they've stolen splashes on them through the fraudulent contests and initiatives that these MoFos organize. But nah, it must be the former. Because these son of bitches can't trust in no one. Since they have committed so many misdeeds, that they cannot afford to leave many witnesses alive.
Bah! How simple it would be to always act with decency and honesty and simply show the invoices and receipts that demonstrate in what, where and how those funds that have suddenly arrived in their wallets have been spent and then when people realize and ask them how they were invested in and what benefits were obtained for the community from such investment, they can demonstrate with pride and satisfaction that such funds were not wasted on brothels, alcohol, drugs and whores.
But yeah, what could be expected from thugs who refuse to play the game by the rules of others, the rules of the majority, and only insist on playing the game by their own rules that they change all the time without consensus or the authorization or approval of anyone?
«Rules and Nomic»

"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

This is why I don't mute anyone. Why would I censor my feed? Even the people insulting me want me to read them. Can't have a conversation if you can't hear your interlocutor.
Exactly, because only genuine people with nothing to hide can do this without any problems. But these slippery and evasive rats can never aspire to do this. Because then they would not have the excuse of saying that they have not seen what people are asking and requesting of them. And because they cannot risk talking and interacting with anyone truly smart because their falseness, their hypocrisy, their evasiveness, their contradictions, their double talk and the stench of what they are always trying to hide and conceal is immediately evident and notorious.
Why do they need to have interlocutors and maintain a conversation with them if they know that their intellectual level is so below average that they would be incapable of deceiving anyone with their bullshit?
Better to interact and only continue deceiving to the idiots with money on some obscure chatroom on discord who are bigger idiots than them and to whom they will never have to answer and give account of their scams and embezzlements. I bet that's what they surely say and think all the time. Especially if we judge that by the number of people and who are precisely those who they have included in their muting list.