Sheesh! this fucking incel always seeking I whisper a romantic song close to his ear.

in Fuckery4 months ago

¡Repeat After Me!

This goddamn incel motherfucker insist in ignore that his days are numbered in this world. And for being so stubbornly idiotic, stupid and mentally retarded, it's why he is gonna have to learn the lesson in his miserable existence the hard way sooner rather than later. And just for that, of course we're going to sing and whisper that sweet song he's so desperately seeking very close to his fucking ear, you son of a bitch.

You just have to keep reading to at least know how the song starts motherfucker. Because you are so damn stupid and brainless that I'm sure you'll never know how the song is gonna end.


¡Just keep poking!

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Cranky Gandalf



Man! You missed being in the top 10 by 1. Anyway, you realize you give them a chubby when you get all mad?


¿I missed being in the top 10 by 1? LoL, what that's mean?

Anyway, you realize you give them a chubby when you get all mad?

Yeah, I'm well aware I may give them a chubby when I publish this kind of posts. But what can we do? I love sharing new music that these motherfuckers have never heard.

You were #11 on the list of flag victims by stake weight.

Ah yeah, but that's only because my posts only have barely four cents they can steal. Nonetheless, I proudly occupy the second place by count.

And only three posts short of tied for #1!