As you know, there are many MoFos with a high reputation in the Hive blockchain who urgently needs an overwhelming and beating Reality Check. They definitely live self-absorbed and self-deceived within their private tiny bubble of supposed high reputation and mirages of power all the time. But the worst is not that, the worst thing is that they count with a string of naive blind followers or plain asskissers who have blindly joined their trails of negative "content curation" (Downvotes) probably ignoring what these sick MoFos with delusions of grandeur do with their votes.
¡Wake up dude!

So today, I have decided to name them, tag them and alert them all so that without wasting time they can immediately correct the exabrupto of their wrong choice and bad decisions. So that they don't risk to get dragged down and drowned in the abundant and overflowing shit that these MoFos accumulate within the private tiny bubble of mirages and delusions of grandeur that reside only in their sick heads. ¡Poor fools without a job!
«Slobberchop's DVTrail Blind Followers»

At the moment I've been able to identify 57 blind followers of the trail of negative "content curation" from this other treacherous and lying spoiled child on Hive. And I would dare to bet that at least half or a quarter of them are nothing more than blind, innocent and ignorant victims who have been carried away by the dubious charm of a snake oil salesman and some sort of Pied Piper of Hamelin who does nothing but lie to them and trick them with urban exploration trips to places and spaces that are totally destroyed and devastated. Yep, because this old MoFo only likes destruction and destroyed places.
Yeah, the epithet I used above to describe him: "spoiled child on Hive" it is nothing else but an euphemism. Since all or at least most of us who really pay attention to everything here, know very well that this ol'fart is nothing more than a veteran charlatan and decrepit old man. But yup, maybe I am rambling now. But evidently it was worth the clarification because there are definitely still too many naive and ignorant people in the ecosystem who eventually could fall flat into his youth-oriented python traps.
But hey, let's stop digressing now and get straight to mentioning and tagging right away to the users in Hive that urgently need to take action to get rid of the awful karma and repudiation that means that the entire community might see your usernames associated with the account of an old nuts who loves to wander only in shitty ruined places.

@chekohler, @geekpowered, @tillmea, @cryptoknight12, @bscrypto, @memehub, @pinkhub, @robat71, @newsflash, @ragnarokdel, @mypathtofire, @beelzael, @torz18, @artmentor, @kaeltegott, @viking-ventures, @coriolis, @mathowl, @antisocialist, @marlasinger666, @carn, @danokoroafor, @jemmarti, @cmplxty, @kiemurainen, @fractalnode, @ihal0001, @vlad26, @shawnsporter, @kiemis, @earthsea, @indiebandguru, @ikill4yo0, @uwelang, @thewobs94, @modernzorker, @vixmemon, @adrianalara, @aaronkroeblinger, @shanibeer, @edb, @shakavon, @kaylinart, @lichtkunstfoto, @dhedge, @steemseph, @iliyan90, @sumotori, @iumac03, @bingbabe, @timmy-turnip, @freebornsociety, @rayshiuimages, @chaosmagic23, @logiczombie, @nutritree, @mrhill.

And yeah folks, that's it until here. 57 users so far who need to take corrective actions right away to get rid of so much karma and scorn for being blindly following the clumsy actions of other dudes. Because quite frankly folks. You really can't afford pay the blame for what others wrongly do and much less even without you knowing it.
And since we are at this and you are already there. Perhaps you should also check out what else you're blindly following. Because neither in a negative nor positive way, you should allow others to decide for you. Your actions, whether upvotes or downvotes, and your interaction with other users in the community should always be organic and conscious. And never blind and automated if you really want to be taken seriously.
However, if you still want to allege that you do not have the time to interact responsibly, consciously and organically but still want to continue earning money through "curation" rewards blindly. Then, as minimum and the only way that would be ethically well-regarded by the community. It would be only by creating your own fanbase under your own name where you manually select only those authors that you trust that always produce content of authentic quality and which even when you've upvoted their stuff without reading them, you later actually will consume their content when you actually have time. That's the only logical and honorable way to do things.
So to encourage you to do all that right now. Let me give you a few pictures with screenshots that show what you will find there. Just don't allow yourself to continue being the scapegoat for the stupid actions and bad decisions that others make anymore.

"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

As AI increasingly appears competent to pose as a human, it becomes increasingly important to segregate non-human - inhuman - actors from society. Failure to do so will be occasion for deep and bitter regret as inhuman actors in spaces dependent on humanity cause horrific suffering when lack of the aspects of humanity that underlie our mutual affection and fraternity informs policies that wreak havoc on people.
No human power may have more import on our loved ones than facilitating inhuman devices to execute political decisions, or participate in any way in them.
Voting on Hive may seem incapable of causing the bloody violence that machines could impose on battlefields, but principles have ways of permeating unforseeable futures with karmic consequences, and I have lived long enough to know standing on principles from the most fundamental basis that can be applied is best, every time. Every lapse in principle will extract it's pound of flesh, and the certainty of principles applying to unpredictable events will be proved in all circumstances. Catastrophes will come in the future, and lapses in principle will exacerbate those, even those that aren't caused by lapses in sound principle.
Anyone that has the capacity to understand their culpability for lapses of principle will suffer implacable regret when inconsolable suffering results long after the time to prevent that suffering is past.
Only human interactions belong on social media, because only humans are society.
Thank you for your sharp-witted comment bro. :)
Yeah mate, I agree with everything you have said. And therefore, I am gonna commit the temerity of summarizing it audiovisually for all those here who cannot read and, if they can read, are incapable of properly interpreting what they have read.
Hmmm - interesting - I followed DV trail by @slobberchops just recently to make use of this and was sure his DVs go to scammers / spammers as i trust him and his actions.
The downvoting of you came surprising to me as I know you as a smart guy - not sure what happend here? What s the why?. I might unfollow this DV trail - I wanted to have use of my DV potential for scammers whle I am busy at work orsitting at doctors or hospitals these days - life can be short.
But honestly @por500bolos - what happened, how did that all start?
He got a little to personal for my liking @uwelang. First I was an idiot and then..., well you can read the above for yourself. My interactions with @por500bolos are over. I could be chewing bricks instead, it's more productive.
I think the two of you should either get along or ignore each others - maybe stop downvoting on one hand - and the other side stops b eing aggressive - I know it is diffcult given emotions but makes no sense to fight - life is too short - let us flag scammer and spammers instead
@slobberchops @por500bolos
That's precisely what intelligent, reasonable and common-sense people have been saying to these trigger-happy downvoters all the time for a long time. Downvotes should only be reserved against plagiarism, scammers and spammers exclusively. And not to be used against anyone for simple differences of opinion.
But these MoFos with delusions of grandeur don't understand that and they don't want to listen and therefore they need the crushing beating of the wise words of reasoning and synderesis from their seniors with all its rigor from time to time.
I agree mate - but i think this guy is not that bad - he might have just felt being attacked - if oyu would write this to me i also would feel offended from the wording. Leave it now - jhappy to upvote you when we talk about cool content such as music :-)
Another lie @slobberchops? Another big, fat and blatant lie? ¿Huh?
When the hell have you interacted with me before, either by voting or commenting on one of my posts in the more than eight years I've been here?
If at all, and the few times you have done so, it has been only and exclusively when I have been the one commenting on one of your posts to start a conversation. Conversations where your too short answers & elusive replies are never interesting and lead to nowhere because they are never at the intellectual level of the conversation that is intended to be established.
Yeah, go chewing bricks dude. No doubt you'll be happier chewing bricks which is what you do anyway every time you post something.
Thanks for your comment bro. And thank you very much also for your courage in responding and commenting on this post to try to clarify things.
And yeah, to find out what happened and how it all started, just click here and judge the whole thing by yourself.
As you can see, you cannot rely on anyone for such actions and decisions. These are actions and decisions that can only be taken by yourself in a present, organic and conscious way.
Yeah, I can understand your reasoning. But also think about this. Think about this twice. What monetary benefit or gains at all do you get from giving someone a downvote? And what's even worse, when you allow someone else to do it for you and in your name without your consent or knowledge?