Belated happy birthday then! I guess as we get older we like nature more. Your home town is such a wonderful place, an endless opportunity in photography indeed!
How big are storks really?
Belated happy birthday then! I guess as we get older we like nature more. Your home town is such a wonderful place, an endless opportunity in photography indeed!
How big are storks really?
Thank u 😊Around 1 to 2 meters? They are big, that's all I can say 😂. There's nothing nicer than driving and seeing a nest with two adult storks watching over their young. It's really nice that our country is trying to preserve the nests.
I've seen the movie storks And could not believe that there were birds that are those big in the movie and in real life.
Yeah, it's a pretty good thing you are loving those birds. In the Ph, recently we lost a Philippine eagle because some irresponsible locals shoot them with an improvised gun. They are endangered
Oh, people can be so cruel to animals, these birds are also very endangered.I know that no one will ever shoot a stork, nor would anyone dare, because the penalties are huge. Endangered species are never shot. What is wrong with people who kill such beautiful birds?! I remember when I was a kid, you saw them everywhere. Now, not so much.They had a nest on the street lamp right in front of my house for so long. Then, a big storm came, and their nest was blown away by the wind. Now, they take really good care of their nests, repairing them every year so they're ready when they come back in the summer. I'm always happy when I see them. I'm so used to them being here every summer, watching us from their nests. I hope they continue to take good care of their nests because they are truly special birds.
I hope they do to. It's really nice to see nature in every day life. Urbanization kills it
Unfortunately, yes. I'm just grateful that my country remains committed to preserving nature and wildlife. Despite our small size, we still have natural beauty, and for that, I'm very thankful.