Cuban parrot.

Best regards hivers of the Photography Lovers Community. She watches me carefully. She likes to feel photographed. Sometimes she is shy and avoids my gaze. Only for a few seconds she adopts that attitude, because she automatically understands that her beauty is incomparable. Like a haughty diva she seduces me with her gaze. She chats and proudly shows me her plumage. A great diversity of colors adorns its small body. All very cheerful and with somewhat intense tones.


Cordiales saludos hivers de la Comunidad Photography Lovers. Ella me observa con atención. Le gusta sentirse fotografiada. A veces se muestra tímida y esquiva la mirada. Solo por unos segundos adopta esa actitud, pues automáticamente comprende que su belleza es inigualable. Como una diva altanera me seduce con su mirada. Parlotea y con orgullo me muestra su plumaje. Gran diversidad de colores adornan su pequeño cuerpo. Todos muy alegres y con tonos algo intensos.

The Cuban parrot is a very peculiar bird. Charismatic and beautiful, it tends to charm everyone. Noisy par excellence, she likes to be the queen of the show. Their noise is very intense, no one sleeps around them. She prefers to eat seeds and fresh fruits. Pomegranate and guava are her favorite. I am pleased to share with you this small selection of photographs. All of them were taken in grandma's backyard. I hope you enjoy the images and that they are to your liking.


La cotorra cubana es un ave muy peculiar. Carismática y hermosa a todos suele enamorar. Ruidosa por excelencia, le gusta ser la reina del show. Su algarabía es bien intensa, no hay quien duerma a su alrededor. Prefiere comer semillas y frutas frescas. La granada y la guayaba son su adoración. Con gusto les comparto esta pequeña selección de fotografías. Todas realizadas en el patio de la abuelita. Espero que disfruten las imágenes y las mismas sean de su agrado.

Thank you very much for reading my post. May the good energy be with you. Have a nice day.


Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Lindo día.


The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my first language.


El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el Inglés no es mi primer idioma.


The Cuban parrot is very cute! My mother had these animals in the patio of the house, it is like a tradition in small towns. Beautiful shots btw ;)

!discovery 35

It is very true, many people like to keep them as pets in small rural towns. In the cities it is a bit more complicated, because they are really noisy animals. I'm glad you liked the pictures. Regards and have a nice day ☺️

Certainly! Have a beautiful day 😊❤️


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Thank you very much 😊


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@dimascastillo90(1/10) tipped @yeni82

Thank you very much 😊

Wow, this Cuban parrot is beautiful

Yes, they are really beautiful animals. I am pleased that the images are to your liking. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. Greetings and have a nice day ☺️

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Thank you very much 😊

You're unstoppable @yeni82! We'll be here cheering you on every step of the way!

Aww, so cute! :) :)

Thank you very much 😊