Flash Photography - with @ximlouiii (Part 1)

Flash Photography

Even though I think many of you already know what Flash Photography is, I'll try to explain it in the most simple way possible to the ones that don't know how it's done or what it is:
It's basically when you photograph an object (often marco) and use flash in combination with a fast Shutter Speed, low ISO and a low Aperature to get a dark or black background for the subject to really stand out and in my opinion give it a very unique look.

This was our first try on Flash Photograpy and taken the circumstances into consideration, I think we did a great job!Yesterday @ximlouiii and I decided to try this type of photography out. We didn't have a camera on hand, so we took the photos with my phone and took a few photos with its flash, but then had the idea to use my tablet and his phone to light our subjects in blue and red!

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This is a good concept, I look forward to seeing your next work! The colors are great.

Thank you😁

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment