In the Lagoon of the charms.


Greetings, my dear Earthlings. I keep showing birds from that series that I took on a walk to observe them. This is one of the birds that I like the most in my area, a gray heron (as it is called in these parts) The truth is very beautiful, although its song is a kind of noise (not so beautiful) But look at those colored hairs and above all that pompadour that he has and his beautiful suit of various colors and variations of tones gives him majesty.

Saludos, mis estimados terrícolas. Sigo mostrando aves de esa serie que realice en una caminata para observarlas. Esta es una de las aves que más me gusta en mi zona, una garza real (como se le dice por éstos lares) La verdad es muy hermosa, aunque su canto es una especie de ruido (no tan bonito) Pero vean esos vellos colores y sobre todo le da majestuosidad ese copete que tiene y su lindo traje de varios colores y variantes de tonos.



Walk through the lagoon in search of protagonists and especially that greenery that the water provides, since we are in summer and it is the time of the yellow color in the vegetation, although some rains have begun to fall, it seems that winter is coming early. Around here I always get many beautiful birds and that attracts me when I look for them, I also tried to find an alligator, although in this area they are almost in extinction, well a Baba would be fine, but those that were mostly hunted by some who still have the old custom of eating them, but most people in the area do not eat them anymore, they prefer farmyard animals, something positive for nature.

Camine por la laguna en busca de protagonistas y sobre todo ese verdor que el agua brinda, ya que estamos en verano y es el momento del color amarillo en la vegetación, aunque ha comenzado a caer algunas lluvias, parece que se adelanta el invierno. Por aquí siempre consigo muchas aves hermosas y eso me atrae cuando las busco, también trataba de encontrar un caimán, aunque en esta zona ya están casi en la extinción, bueno una Baba estaría bien, pero las que habían mayormente las cazaron algunos que todavía tienen la vieja costumbre de comerlas, pero la mayoría de personas de la zona no las comen ya, prefieren animales de corral, algo positivo para la naturaleza.


The heron was concentrating on his hunt, he was trying to locate a small fish, which I took advantage of to make that string of catches for you.

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El garzón andaba concentrado en su cacería, trataba de ubicar algún pequeño pez, lo que yo aproveche para hacerle esa seguidilla de capturas para ustedes.

See what a beauty of pose, at the moment when it takes a spring form to catapult its body at great speed and attack its prey.

Vean que belleza de pose, en el momento cuando toma una forma de resorte para catapultar su cuerpo a una gran velocidad y atacar a su presa.



While one watches the birds, one can feel that peace of being transported to that world, where one lives there in each song of our mother nature, in that call to be one with the wind and each leaf that breathes, the walk of the farm of the heron, the movements of that dance of hers with each bush and the branches that she crosses in that walk. Those are the things that I want to convey when I write, the energy of listening to every beat of the earth in the steps I take, especially for people who are from the cities and cannot go to the countryside so often, this is the point of view of a peasant, it is different how I look at the world and there is the question, open my mind to really feel the voice, I am fascinated when she lulls me in those walks, there, in front of her (my mother nature) I close my eyes and breathe his kisses.

Mientras uno observa las aves, puede sentir esa paz de transportarse a ese mundo, donde se vive allí en cada canto de nuestra madre naturaleza, en esa llamado a ser uno con el viento y cada hoja que respira, el andar de la casería de la garza, los movimientos de aquel baile de ella con cada mata y las ramas que surca en ese andar. Esas son las cosas que quiero transmitir cuando escribo, la energía de escuchar cada latido de la tierra en los pasos que doy, especialmente para las personas que son de las ciudades y no pueden ir al campo tan seguido, esta es el punto de vista de un campesino, es diferente como yo miro al mundo y he allí la cuestión, abrir la mente para realmente sentir la voz, a mi me fascina cuando ella me arrulla en esos paseos, allí, frente a ella (mi madre naturaleza) Cierro los ojos y respiro sus besos.



The heron shot that pointed arrow, its head traveling at high speed, surprising its prey. Meanwhile, I returned to the road, this time in search of my home, I must return to the other world to fulfill the responsibilities it deserves, to walk, something that I love and that now I have been able to do more frequently, I love to follow a path in search of a horizon that gives me more views to share.

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La garza lanzo esa flecha puntiaguda, su cabeza viaja a gran velocidad, sorprendiendo a su presa. Yo mientras, retorne al camino, esta vez en busca de mi casa, debo regresar al otro mundo a cumplir con las responsabilidades que amerita, a caminar, algo que amo y que ahora he podido hacer más frecuentemente, amo seguir un camino en busca de un horizonte que me regale más vistas para compartir.


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This is where the lyrics go for today, I invite you to continue looking a little more of this world in the next publication, I hope it will be tomorrow, or later, maybe the voice will be seen or will let you see something about games, so if you liked it What is being done for you here, do not hesitate to support the work with something positive, below I invite you to:

Hasta aquí llegan las letras por hoy, les invito a seguir mirando un poco más de este mundo en la siguiente publicación, espero sea mañana, o más tarde, quizás la voz verse o o deje ver algo sobre juegos, así que si te ha gustado lo que se hace para ustedes aquí, no dudes en apoyar el trabajo con algo positivo, allí abajo te invito a:


Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.

Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50.

Lent: Leica 1: 2.8-3.7 / 7.4-88.8.

Location: Villa de Cura.

Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.


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What a wonderful bird! Your photos are just a joy to look through.

It's good that you like them, that encourages me to continue doing the work that I do with love to share and that others can enjoy it too, as I do. Greetings.

I like how learn life lessons through nature and apply things learned by watching nature to your human reality.

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Yes, it is wonderful to cultivate the path with the help of our mother nature. Thanks for commenting, Greetings and I will continue on this path, which by the way I enjoy a lot.🙂