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RE: Ammunition up close

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Coincidently, I also posted a macro shots post today but my nature macro shots come nowhere close to the sharp, crisp shots of bullets I think! kudos on your photography skill too though you claim you are not a good photographer - very modest of you to say that I think!
Cheers!@galenkp Wow - those are some precise macro shots. I love guns but unfortunately, live in a country where carrying a firearm is not all that easy or encouraged. After I managed to do some decent grouping with a 0.22 Winchester during my college days, I was hooked and love to read about guns but have never been able to pursue it as a hobby. I shoot with a camera instead 😀. I love the shot showing the gunpowder pellets - it intrigued me and I read up your other post to find out that it is something called ADI AR2209. Having never seen the insides of bullets before, I somehow had the impression that the explosive is actually in powder form. Will certainly read up more on this.

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Thanks for your comment on my pictures, I appreciate it.

There's so many people with an interest in firearms but no ability to explore that interest which I think is quite disappointing. Guns aren't bad, although some of the people who have them are. I guess it's like cars...some people will get drunk and drive causing harm, thousands of deaths each year, but that doesn't make cars bad, or those who drive them...just the ones that do the wrong thing.

I hope you get to experience some firearms sometimes, and in the mean time you can always research. Let me know if you're looking for something in particular, I might be able to steer you in the right direction.

Thanks again for your comment, I really appreciate it.

Yes - you are right Guns, or anything for that matter, can be a double edged sword (lol - am talking about guns with sword metaphor!!😂)
I am about to take voluntary retirement and will look for any shooting ranges etc. or clubs I can join. They are scarce in my country but will try to find something.
Will of course keep reading. Thanks for your offer of support in steering me in the right direction. Will certainly ask for guidance as needed.

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All the best with your firearms journey, and well done on your retirement, that's a big milestone.