the way we can transmit things through the most baron of lands
"baron of lands"
is that like some kind of super president? ;^)
Just had to make that joke haha! I know what you meant to write there :^)
Amazing pictures! That helicopter does look weird indeed. Love it!
Lol, sorry - my brain clearly isn't 100% yet. I've fixed that up now. Thanks Vincent.
I'm glad you liked the photos, that helicopter looks so cute like that. Hope you are well 🙂
There's no need to apologise for typos, they happen, people are human, it has literally zero to do with your brain. I'm sure I could go to someone else's post and pick it to fucken bits...I don't though.
It was a mistake, I make plenty and hadn't picked that one up, but like you say, we're all human 😊
And zero apologies are required.
I made a mistake recently, my boxer shorts were on back to front all day...messed with my head...both of them.
Hahaha yes well, boxer shorts are easy to get back to front, so it's not surprising. I luckily haven't done that recently, but ... there's still time 🤣
There's always time for backwards underwear.