Jatropha Gossypiifolia

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

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The plant is widely studied by experts who produced various scientific works. In my place (Aceh) it grows wild and is easy to find in abandoned land, sometimes is considered a weed.

There have been many scientific articles circulating on the internet about the benefits of jatropha for health. Just try searching on Google Scholar with the keyword 'Jatropha gossypiifolia' you find many scientific articles that discuss various issues, especially medical.

To quote a freely accessible journal in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 227, 5 December 2018, Pages 268-278, entitled: Development of an effective and safe topical anti-inflammatory gel containing Jatropha gossypiifolia leaf extract: Results from a pre-clinical trial in mice.

Jatropha gossypiifolia L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a medicinal plant widely used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory remedy. The topical use of the leaves and/or aerial parts of this plant as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing and anti-infective in several skin diseases is a common practice in many countries. The use of baths or dressings with this vegetal species is frequently reported in folk medicine.

The elders at our place are knowledgeable about the medical benefits of this plant, knowledge passed down from generation to generation, but they are unable to explain the scientific explanation.

If you are interested in knowing more, there are many scientific articles available, let's explore.

How are the pictures taken?

The golden reflection of the sunset on the young purple leaves has captivated me.

After taking several shots with the macro lens, then checked them through the camera screen. Wow, the serrations on the edges of the young leaves are so cool, you can see the light green grains lined up.

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I'm immersed in the fun of photographing Jatropha gossypiifolia, some plant elements, beautiful shoots, flowers, fruit, stems until it dissolves into the shooting angle.

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When I was having fun taking pictures, I saw a little grasshopper perched on a young leaf, lazy to move, maybe relaxed 😏. The grasshopper moves slowly from leaf to leaf because its comfort has been disturbed. It's a great opportunity to photograph insect macros.

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Thank You,
Irfan M Nur (@vannour)

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Irfan M Nur


In such a common plant, it is amazing the beauty that can be seen with a photograph.

Amazing picture brother, has a good sense of