The Panorama of the swamp on Mount Votto-Vaara


I continue my story about my stay on Votto-Vaara Mountain, which is located in the center of Karelia in a remote taiga, surrounded by lakes and swamps.

The sky above is constantly changing, the clouds are flying at great speed. The wind is blowing on the mountain. This slightly complicates the conditions of photography. The sun is shining in the water, the sky is white in some photos. But on the other hand, this wind blows away the entire blood-sucking army of mosquitoes and midges.

You have no idea how many of them there are. Here they say "a cloud of mosquitoes", meaning that there are many of them. And there this "cloud" really looks like a cloud. To our surprise, we got used to mosquitoes on the second day.

They probably mistook us for their own in the end and began to bite less. Or we didn't pay attention to these bites.

But it's impossible to make friends with Masha. You only kill a dozen small reptiles with one blow of the palm of your hand, and as many as three dozen of them arrive to replace the fallen!

And only the wind saved us. And there is a large swamp on the mountain itself. It is beautiful, shaped like a bowl. There is even an opportunity to walk along it. But there were thousands of thousands of these blood-sucking midge bandits here.

Here is the moment when the sky in the photo turned out to be unexpectedly white. Although there were clouds and it was actually blue in color.

I took some pictures so that later I could glue them together to create a panorama of this place. But the constant appearance and disappearance of the sun made the panorama not very stable. But returning to this place a second time was not part of our plans, so look at what happened.

Travel further and more!


I can almost hear all the mosquitoes buzzing around! Good thing there was some wind to blow them away. :)

Yes, I agree, we were very lucky in the wind.

Have you tried to walk through the swamp?

No, the instructor did not allow it. He said that he did not want to be reprimanded because of us))

I see your Hive journey is going on in a stable manner! ☘️ I wish you to have more support from PhotoLovers community and OCD ☂️

Thank you for the kind words!

PS. If you dont plan to invest your HIVE and HBD into your Hive power, I'd recommend you (at least) keep your HBDs as "savings", same way I recommended already to @eto-ka, - this will bring you 20% growth (claimable every 30 days).

Yes, thanks, I'm starting to figure it out a little bit)))