The mystery of the non-falling Rock


Before entering the Votto-Vaaru mountain (the mountain is very flat on the other side) there is an object that is called a "Portal" among travelers. It consists of two huge blocks of stone located on both sides of the road. Of course, no one put them there, it's just that when the road appeared, it was this section between these rocks that was chosen for passage. They are about twice the height of a man.

In the photo below, I fixed the right side of the "Portal". It is split into two unequal parts. The photo clearly shows that this is exactly a split, and not two separate fragments. Why this happened is hard to say for sure. Maybe from temperature fluctuations? I do not know, and I had no one to ask about this crack.

Our trip to Votto-Vaara was in early August. It was sunny days. At the top of the mountain, the sun flooded everything around. My wife and I climbed a medium-sized boulder and I photographed our shadows. There are thickets of heather underfoot.

Our trip to Votto-Vaara was in early August. It was sunny days. At the top of the mountain, the sun flooded everything around. My wife and I climbed a medium-sized boulder and I photographed our shadows. There are thickets of heather underfoot.

We swam in some of the lakes we met. The water there was getting cold, but after the heat on the mountain and the bites of countless mosquitoes and midges, these were real healing baths.

Your attention should be attracted by a huge boulder that seems to be hanging on the edge of a cliff above this lake.

According to all the concepts of physics, it should have fallen long ago. His position seems extremely unstable - poke him with your finger and he will slide down. In fact, this is not the case. He has been in this position for decades. And it doesn't fall!

I can't imagine how this can be explained. I deliberately made my way to the other side and came close to this block. I even tried to push him down. But it only made my fellow travelers laugh. The block remained in its place. She's about twice as tall as me.

I took a picture from this point on the opposite shore. Our camp is hiding somewhere in the thicket of trees. The pine tree from this frame is clearly visible in the previous photo. So you can easily match these two pictures.

There were a lot of blueberries underfoot besides heather. Its leaves were slightly reddish. But there were practically no berries. So, we were entering the territory of the fairy-tale world. But it will be in another part of my story.

Travel farther and longer!