I got a very nice gift today! According to my belief, this hand talisman, which is called differently in different religions, is Hz. Muhammad s.a.v Daughter Fatima represents the hand of mother. The meaning of this talisman is that it represents Power, abundance and fertility in all beliefs. Therefore, it has been a very important and valuable gift for me.

Spiritual gifts have always been very precious to me. My dear Father, who knows that I attach great importance to this talisman, bought me this gift. I haven't decided exactly where to hang it right now, but I think I'll probably hang it in the kitchen.

In addition to its spiritual meaning, it looks very beautiful and impressive visually, and it would be really meaningful and nice to receive something like this as a gift. It made me very happy!

All photos are mine! The phone I shot is OPPO A5 2020!
I am a believer too, and that you can receive a gift like this is very nice. Greetings!!
I'm glad you believe this, I hope it brings you luck too🙏🧿🌺