📷 Panoramic Evening View of the Las Vegas Boulevard [EN/DE]


Although there are countless huge buildings along the Las Vegas Boulevard, it is relatively difficult to find freely accessible viewpoints. However, the roof of the Bellagio car park is definitely one of them - I was able to find this out before my stay. Once I was there, it wasn't so easy to find my way to the top floor of the car park. But in the end I managed it and was able to enjoy a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower with the Bellagio fountain in front of it and even ‘The Sphere’ to the left in the background. I hope you like the pictures and wish you a great Sunday!

Obwohl es entlang des Las Vegas Boulevard unzählige riesige Gebäude gibt, ist es relativ schwierig, frei zugängliche Aussichtspunkte zu finden. Das Dach der Bellagio-Parkgarage gehört aber definitiv dazu – das konnte ich schon vor meinem Aufenthalt herausfinden. Direkt vor Ort war es dann gar nicht so einfach, den Weg auf die höchste Etage des Parkhauses zu finden. Am Ende gelang es mir aber doch und ich konnte einen traumhaften Blick auf den Eiffelturm mit der Bellagio-Fontäne davor und sogar auf "The Sphere" links daneben im Hintergrund genießen. Ich hoffe die Bilder gefallen euch und wünsche euch einen schönen Sonntag!






See you soon!/Bis bald!


Check out my other recent posts:

📷 Welcome to fabulous (Lensball Photography in) Las Vegas [EN/DE]

📷 Pictures from my first Photo Walk in Las Vegas – Part 2 [EN/DE]

📷 Pictures from my first Photo Walk in Las Vegas [EN/DE]


The photos with the ball are really cool!

Thank you 🙏

More than 1 year ago my wife was in Las Vegas and she always made me video calls to show me the city and without a doubt every scene was perfect for photography, just as we see in your pictures, a city of lights perfect for photography.

Thank you so much! 🙏😊

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our