LIGHTROOM PRESET; Changing the color of the sky.

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hello photography lovers!

In this post I want to tell you about a unique subject that I found on my way to my friend Kristia's house. Krist and I have been friends since 2013 when I started working in the biggest franchise store in my country as a cashier. Krist used to live in the same house with me in a boarding house, but now we are far apart because my workplace has moved to Ciputat, South Tangerang.

from Ciputat, I chose to use Transjakarta public transportation. from Ciputat, I then transited at the Pondok Pinang shelter and moved to Transjakarta to the Harmoni shelter.

the Harmoni shelter is the center of the Transjakarta shelter. So, this place is very spacious. Built on a Dutch water canal, Harmoni shelter has a very long pedestrian bridge with several branches. At that time I was lucky. Due to the Pandemic and the decreasing number of Transjakarta users, I can happily cross this long pedestrian bridge without crowding other passengers.

So, I took some subjects that I could capture with my cellphone camera from the bridge.

Bridge aisle


from where I stood, I could see the passage of the bridge that led to a fork. at the fork of bridge, my route is to turn right.

Harmoni palace restaurant



Besides the canal under the Harmoni Shelter, on the right side of this stop there is an ancient building called the Harmoni Palace Restaurant. In the past, it was said that this building was a magnificent hotel during the Dutch-Indies era, but now, this building is not used and there is no one to take care of it. Even though it is old, the building still looks very sturdy. Every time I stop at Harmoni bus stop, I always take the time to stop for a moment and look at the building.

city ​​landscape

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After crossing the fork of the bridge, I faced west and photographed the deserted cityscape of Jakarta. Usually, if it's not a pandemic, this road segment is very jammed for hours. I'm lucky that I was able to take pictures of the deserted streets of Jakarta. As a city that never sleeps, being able to get a picture of Jakarta without the stale air from vehicle fumes is something to be grateful for.

warehouse aisle. After getting off the pedestrian bridge, I chose to walk across a small alley to Krist's place. the distance from here to where Krist is still about one kilometer.


When I entered the hall of the warehouse area, I saw a sky that seemed to be squeezed by two tall buildings on my right and left. so, I decided to point my phone's camera up. I am satisfied with the result. hahaha ... sorry if I look narcissistic.

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Change the color of the Sky

The original warrant from the sky of Jakarta SSAT was very pale. neither cloudy nor clear blue. So I tried changing the color of the sky just for fun. and my choice fell on pink! LOL.

actually I don't really like the color pink, but imagining the sky above me changing color like candy, hmm ... yummy...! I feel like I'm watching a Cloudy Meat Ball cartoon.

what do I do to make the sky in this photo pink?

I open the photo and video editing application, Lightroom.

after that, set the vibrance to 41, then choose color Grading and set the Hue at 324 and saturation at 100. with Luminance -33.

and taraaaa...!

the sky around me turned as sweet as the color of cotton candy.

OK, Hive. that's my story today. thanks for reading! see you in the next post.

All pictures were taken with Samsung M20


Titis N

Hi, I am the child of the universe, I like to read books with various genres. I was born in the city of batik but can't draw batik yet. I want to be a novelist, but my works are only short poems that are included in anthology books.

please share my content if you feel my content is good for everyone to read. Thank you. Let's be friends!


bandung kah?

Waah baru tahu Bandung ada Transjakarta

bukan TJ, tapi damri namanya. dulu ada juga transmetro, tapi sekarang aku gak atau masih ada atau nggak

Langitnya cantik❤

As beautiful as you, @salmakeant

Thank you for the comment and stoping by

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Thank you so much. Its such amazing news.😍