Trying And Failing With New Styles

I am always looking for new styles of photos to take and recently I came across dronception photos. The best definition of what a dronception photos is: Dronception is a photomanipulation technique that makes aerial photographs look like they're bending. The name "droneception" is used because it is similar to the film inception.

The effect looks really cool when done right, but I don't do many composition shots or merging of multiple photos. I have always had the mindset of what I catch on camera is what I get (with regular editing). So for this style I am truly a "fish out of water" but was excited to try!

After shooting a few sets in downtown Hamilton Ont. and spending many hours in editing, the best I came out with were these two shots. Both are okay but have very sloppy edits.



Undeterred and feeling close to having it down, I went to Bayfront Park and proved myself totally wrong!

Not a single one of the three sets I shot worked out, either not being able to line them up or the lighting be so drastically different that it looked awful (or both lol). At least I snagged a couple of decent shots on their own, including this sunbathing turtle.





This style is a huge challenge for me, and I am excited to keep trying!!


That looks really good tbh!! I don’t even know how to do that myself, or imagining how it should go if I have to shoot that… so you did a really good job cos I think that one is a hard challenge. Goodluck on improving it, when you’re able to do it seamlessly that would look really really awesome :o