Sunset at West beach

Sunset at West beach

For todays post I am sharing some shots of a walk one evening along West beach here in New Bedford, Starting with this shot looking across the water over the rock wall

West beach sunset.jpg

Sony A7iii 17mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

There are some nice spots to enjoy the sunset here but I think this is one of the most popular one I often see others walking at sunset, or parked in the car nice and warm and enjoying the view, and its one of my favorite spots for walking, closely followed by Fort Taber.

Some wonder how I can walk so often in the same spots, well for me its never the same if walking at sunrise or sunset as one never knows what display Mother Nature will put on for us, admitedly, you have a better idea of what one may see when heading out for a sunset walk as you can see what clouds are in the sky and they can give a good indication of what the sunset may be like, but of course you can never be sure.

Now sunrise walks you can check on a weather app what clouds are in the sky, but heading out while its still dark it smore hit and miss as I find the weather apps can often be Hmm how do I put it, not so accurate.

Which reminds me working in the Telecom and IT field where clients feel its the end of the world if phones or Networks goes down even for a short period, we used to joke we got in the wrong field we should have become Weather forecasters, no one ever gets upset if they get it wrong lOL

But back to the sunset, another shot from the other side of the rock wall

West beach sunset-2.jpg

Sony A7iii 17mm F8 1/40 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And I said early each evening the sunrise is different so I never get bored of them, but they change so quickly, as the sun goes down the colors can change so dramatically

West beach sunset-3.jpg

Sony A7iii 17mm F8 1/25 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

for me there is nothing like enjoying a sunset by the water, hearing the sound of the water and seeing the colors in the sky is so refreshing

West beach sunset-4.jpg

Sony A7iii 17mm F8 1/15 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And as the sunset faded away one last shot for that night and for this post

West beach sunset-5.jpg

Sony A7iii 17mm F8 1/50 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!pinmapple 41.606648 lat -70.916294 long West beach New Bedford MA d3scr


The first shot is my absolute favourite today - the rock wall running towards the sunrise looks great, but the others are not far behind 😃

I never trust weather forecasts and although I always hope they are right when they predict weather I like, I am seldom upset when they are wrong 😁

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

thanks and yes not trusting the weather forecasts means one from getting upset by them

Yesterday was a funny day the forecast from about 11 Am said snow starting in 30 Minutes and kept saying that all day, not far from us got snow but we didn't get any at all, I was watching the Radar in the evening, if was funny the snow was along the coast and inland but when it got to our area it went off the coast and then back inland soon after us, and did that for a few hours, people literally only a few miles from us in any direction got snow was kind of weird

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I have just imagined that. Of course, it happens here too that one village has rain or snow and the next village a view kilometres away stays dry, but you're in the middle, that's really funny, or it's just because the snow respects that you don't like it very much 😁 !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I wish The snow respected me that much I know at some stage will get it

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I think the snow wants to have some fun sometimes too ❄️🤣 !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Ohh yes I totally agree I actually wouldn’t mind a nice good fall followed by a sunny day to get some winter shots

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I can't remember to ever have seen snow photos from you - so I think it's time 😉

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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Ahaaaa, such familiar colours - they do draw me out! :) Not often I see sunsets from you.... :)
Excellent ones, of course! Hope 2022 is treating you good so far... And may the rest of the year be excellent such as your sunsets and sunrises!! :))

Yes indeed I am more of an early morning person, but when it gets colder I sometimes skip morning walks and head out for a sunset walk, mind you I havent done a sunset walk this year yet, but no doubt I will soon

And yes the year has started well may 2022 be a great year for you and yours

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I think this is one of the most popular one

I can understand why with views like that. My wife and I pretty much go to the same park every time we go for a walk. This past weekend we did go to a different one and I plan on writing a post about that tomorrow. Nice shots as always. Hopefully that storm that came through isn't hitting you too hard. I saw they were getting some decent snow in Jersey.

It is such a nice long beach and walkway, I havent been back there for a few weeks but plan to catch a sunset there again soon, but not today the high for today is only 30, and at sunrise this morning and again by sunset it will be back down at 30, to cold for me to walk far lOL

Looking forward to seeing your post

You just made my morning so much brighter with your coast photos @tattoodjay 🤗 That is my most favorite place on earth...oceanside, sunrises & sunsets. Thank you!


Thanks so much Have a great day

Our earth is beautiful we need to stop treating it so badly.
Magnifique View and timing for photography. Great job dear @tattoodjay

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Have a great day

I adore that last photo with the slice of open sky peaking through the turmoil of the storm clouds. It reminds me that people should always look for the slice of hope in the storm of life. Great shot!

Thanks I love your take on that last photo

should always look for the slice of hope in the storm of life

that is so so true

Really beautiful pictures, they make me want to be near the sea, listening to the waves...

Thanks the sounds of the waves I find so relaxy

It never gets boring when you can view nature at it’s best. When you have such stunning sunsets and sunrises… always changing.
Beautiful 😊

Thanks I have been lucky to catch some beautiful sunrises and aunsetsy

Nice catch bro. I wish I could be like you @tattoodjay. Capturing objects that make everyone fall asleep.

Amazing photos! I love every one of them

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

I simply love this post as you accurately describe something I really feel as well: the fact that every sunset is so peculiar and different from any other that makes a single spot look different every day. I got a favorite spot too and it's at my beach house, from which every day the sunset is just outstanding. I appreciated a lot the way you described those moments... And yes, never trust the forecast 😅

thank you for sharing!

Thanks it’s good to hear you feel the same way as I do

Those are some spectacular shots. I love Sunsets and this one takes my heart 💖

Thanks it was special that night

Such a beautiful light of peace to enjoy.

Excellent photographs, the truth is that at first sight when I saw them, they looked like paintings, with all that range of shades and beautiful colors.

Thanks so much, for sunset and sunrise shots I often edit them with a more soft perhaps painterly feel

thanks for the visit

That photo is unbelievable!! 🤯

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

So colourful and amazing..

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated
!LUV some !BEER now and again
Have a great day