Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Johnathon Livingston

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

I have been out and about with my long lens trying to get some shots of birds I am happy with, working on both camera settings and improving my patience to stand in one spot waiting patiently for a good shot, to be honest I think I am doing better on working on the camera settings than I am on being patient, its a work in progress.

Now I have taken shots of a few different birds over the last week or so, but decided to share some shots of Seagulls first, starting with this one I caught as it flew by complete with a clam in its beak

JOhnathon Livingsston-1.jpg

Sony A7iii 200mm F5.6 1/3200 Sec ISO 400
Click here to view larger

Now about the Title, whenever I see Seagulls I think of Johnathon Livingston, and let me explain where that comes from

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a Book I read back in my school days is written by American author Richard Bach and illustrated with black-and-white photographs shot by Russell Munson, is a fable in novella form about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-perfection

The book was adapted into a film in 1973 with a soundtrack by Neil Diamond, and that is where the title for this post comes from

And another shot of the seagull same as the first image, but as it got closer, and I managed to freeze it mid flight with clear detail I am happy with

JOhnathon Livingsston-2.jpg

Sony A7iii 200mm F5.6 1/3200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

One as it was skimming, well flying just over the water

JOhnathon Livingsston-3.jpg

Sony A7iii 600mm F6.3 1/250 Sec ISO 160
Click here to view larger

Now when I took these images there was the moon nice and clear in the sky, and I hoped one would fly by it while I was there, as it happened the seagulls were not cooperative, so I took a shot fo the moon I took that day and added a seagull in a composite edit

JOhnathon Livingsston-4.jpg

Sony A7iv 600mm F6.3 1/4000 Sec ISO 500
Click here to view larger

Another one flying by

JOhnathon Livingsston-5.jpg

Sony A7iv 600mm F6.3 1/4000 Sec ISO 640
Click here to view larger

And finishing off with one walking along the shoreline

JOhnathon Livingsston-6.jpg

Sony A7iv 600mm F6.3 1/1250 Sec ISO 1025
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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Do you remember our conversation about bird potography the other day? Well, today it's me who is not impressed about my photos anymore 😉 Shooting a bird in flight is something I haven't managed till yet - great photos, JJ, and the composite is awesome 👍

Hope you're having a great Sunday, JJ 🌞

!PIZZA with !BEER or with !WINE - perfect dinner :)

Thanks my friend
Birds in flight are so hard to catch takes a lot if sometimes don’t have patience but as you know I have been trying to catch the Osprey in flight for weeks

These seagull shots were while I was not so patiently waiting and watching the Osprey

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

My pleasure JJ 😊

I know you are waiting for the Osprey and it's great that you had the seagull to photograph because it makes waiting so much easier.

Btw, someone has told me that the Osprey was flying behind you with a big fish in his beak while you were shooting the seagull in front of you !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Funnily enough when I took one of the shots of the seagull with the clam in its beak, that is exactly what happenned I turned around just as the Osprey landed on the nest

its torturing me LOL

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

This really happened? No way lol 🤣 !LOLZ
That's why they say that whatever scene you have in front of you, you should turn around because there might be an even better one 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Ohh indeed it did happen, and I was too embarrassed to mention it in the post others some would have thought I had been drinking !WINE or !BEER, but I had not as I had no !PIZZA

Thats true they say that but in this case its almost the opposite the osprey nest was in front of my, I tunred and saw the seagull coming and got that shot, if I hadnt turned i may have seen the Osprey flying back with the fish all be it a small one


Maybe if you had had a !PIZZA he might have flown to you instead of going fishing 😉 and before you ask: No, I haven't had any !BEER nor !WINE 😂


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@tattoodjay denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@tattoodjay thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Haha, fooled me with that moon and seagull shot! :D I was just going "wow", then read your caption!!
Beautiful shots of the gull anyway (and moon!)

You might be surprised - I do know Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and Neil Diamond's song.... lol (very telling on my age.... sigh, haha...)

Happy Sunday to you! :)

I know I could have fooled many with the seagull and moon shot but I like to be honest

Let's just say we're young at heart if not in calendar years lol

Lol, it's very cool in all honesty... ;)

Haha, I'll take young at heart. A good day and week to you, dear friend...

Oops just fixed my typo of course I meant shot not what i typed LOL

thanks and the same for you

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a Book I read back in my school days is written by American author Richard Bach and illustrated with black-and-white photographs shot by Russell Munson, is a fable in novella form about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-perfection

I learned a new English word today. I had to look up what does "homily" mean. I do not know how often this word is used in English, nor in any other foreign language, but this is a very rare phrase in my language (Hungarian). I do not even remember anyone saying it in the recent decade.

I would curiously read opinions about this from other people.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

It is a word not commonly used these days perhaps I am showing my age that I choose to use it lol

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Amazing camera. It deserves to be liked because it has a very extraordinary beauty.

It is a gid camera but like any camera the trick is to know how to use it

The shots of the flying birds are sure taken in a matter of seconds. They are just amazing 😍

thanks and yes in thousands of a second to catch them when flying

You are most welcome and looking forward to seeing more of these amazing shots in future!

They are amazing @tattoodjay 😎
Love all of them. Especially the first photo, the low flying over the sea one and the edited with the moon.
So crisp and clear. A lot of details.
It’s worth your patience 😉 don’t give up.
Have a great Sunday further.
So looking forward to the other bird shots now, now I have seen these!

Ohh I will keep trying not this weekend as we have the grandkids staying with us but next week I will be trying again especially so after such kind feedback

Yes… please keep going. They are truly stunning.
Enjoy the time with the grandkids next week, precious little moments 🥰

Ohh it’s been a great long weekend this evening they go back home
We have had a blast with them but will need a day to relax and recover lol

That’s so nice to hear… 😁
I can imagine the things we do for the grandkids 😎 hahaha now soon relax and recover.
Enjoy your last day with them. 👋🏻☀️

They will surface soon, I am an early riser, them not so much tip toeing around the house at the moment LOL

Hahaha ssshhhh very quietly… now 😉
Don’t wake them up yet. A few more moments.
Yep I know the tip toeing bit LOL

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You caught a flying bird in the frame very beautifully!

Thanks so much

Great shot. I guess the seagull got to do more work to get to its meal.

Ohh yes they work for their food for sure

Ohh yes they work for their food for sure

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OMG I love seagulls!! I admire your talent as a photographer!! This is amazing! Perfect shots!!

Thanks, I have a love /hate relationship with them, after one flew into my head and took a gash out of my head LOL

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated
!LUV some !BEER now and again
Have a great day