Hunter Of The River ( The Heron )

Helllooo Friends here i am with another blog. Here are few pictures of the this beautiful bird. The Heron.

This was the time as I shared about my picnic spot before our little spot for general hike regularly is the spot near a river. Here i saw this beautiful river heron hunting its food. I captured the pictures of it flying pass as it hunts in the river.



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Here it is hunting as you can see it in the river. The river is mostly calm the whole year as no great water in it most of the time. The River gets heavy water mainly in the season of monsoon. As most of the time it is easier for these birds to hunt as the birds can be easily spotted in the summer time hunting here.

The beauty of these birds can be seen in the way they look in these feathers and the way they hunt flying. These birds are amazing hunters and beautiful as any other creatures.

Thank You for being a part of this blog and i would live to give everyone my perspective towards photography and wildlife. Lovely being part of this family of hive and being part of talented creators.
Thank You again. See you again on another blog.

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