Saguaro National Park

in Photography Lovers • 4 months ago (edited)


Waving alien cactus 👽 Pretty cool but I guess it is actually a crested saguaro catcus which are quite rare.

"Some saguaros grow in rare formations called a cristate, or "crested" saguaro. This growth formation is believed to be found in one in roughly 10,000 saguaros, with 2,743 known crested saguaros documented." - according to wikipedia


I took a trip to Arizona to visit family. One of the highlights was Saguaro National Park near Tucson, Arizona. More info on National Park Service website here ---> Saguato Natiional Park


Lots of variety of cacti. In the center of this photo is the eponymous saguaro catcus.

Teddy Bear Cholla

This is one of my favorites due to its name Teddy Bear Cholla. Its yellowish color make it stand out and of course the name is awesome lol


Hiked a bit through this classic desert landscape. Just got back from the trip yesterday. Lots of pictures to sort through 😅


And I'm trying to nurture my tiny cactus at home that refuses to grow... 😂

They are so big!

The Saguaro National Park is sometimes called the Cactus Forest haha

good pictures

Thanks. Its a beautiful part of the country.

Very cool forms for these cactus... I have a mini cactus in a pot, which makes me want to release it in this park 😀
Have a great Saturday

Your cactus dreams of living in this park lol back to 32F this morning. It was 80F when we were walking around for these photos.

He's already packed his bag 😀

Ouch those chollas really hurt if you brush up against one. I picked one off my sister then it landed on my foot when I was a kid.

Yikes! we stayed pretty much on trails especially in National Park.