Reflection "photography session".

Hello everyone it's been a long time since i could post something in here, all the artists know the feeling of being lost between creative block and forgetting the meaning of their passion. I decided to give myself some space to refresh my mind and think again about my goals, get back my passion. I could get out of that hurricane and start building my empire again from the zero.

Then i took these shoots for new friends i met in a photography workshop that was in hotel we're in ,I saw the glass and the decorations seems interesting also the lighting and the reflections , my 85mm f1.4 makes it look exactly as i imagine it.

This one is my favourite in the session like my model look and these reflections around makes look stunning.
DSC01076 (1).jpg



You can support my artistic projects by upvoting, donating, or buy my photography book.

My photography book "Life from Moroccan window V1" is available now on blurb website link below for more information and pricing.


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Nice shots!

These portraits are great, greetings.

Thank you for your help!Dear @soufianechakrouf,Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (

I love your style and creativity.