Historic junkyard in Switzerland from 2009 (CH)

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

Welcome all photography lovers. Today a friend called me asking if I remember one of the trips we took together in 2009. The trip was to visit a place in Switzerland where were hundreds of vintage cars in the middle of the forest. It was a junkyard from the 1960s and at the time of our visit. It was the last chance to see this place. Because next day the vehicle auction was taking place and the place was irretrievably lost in history. That's why it's important for every photographer to capture life around them, because you never know when a given place will disappear.

Vítejte všichni milovníci fotografie. Dnes mi volal jeden kamarád s dotazem, zda si pamatuji jeden z výletů, který jsme spolu podnikli v roce 2009. Ten výlet měl za cíl navštívit místo ve Švýcarsku, kde byly uprostřed lesa stovky historických vozů. Jednalo se o vrakoviště z 60. let dvacátého století a v době naší návštěvy byla poslední šance toto místo vidět, protože hned následující den se konala aukce vozidel a toto místo nenávratně zmizelo v historii. Proto je důležité, aby každý fotograf zachycoval život kolem sebe, protože nikdy nevíte kdy dané místo zmizí.


















These are amazing, love them and wish to get an opportunity like this to shoot a scene like this.

What a shame that a fortune's worth of beautiful cars is just rusting away there. At least it makes for some nice pictures.

The second day after the photo shoot. An auction was held here and all the cars and spare parts were sold. I hope many of them are back on the road again.

Most of them look too damaged to be fixed, burnt I hope they managed to fix some.

I was photographed only few cars. There was almost 200 of them. Lets say 50% was ok for repair.

This post was curated by @wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome