[ESP/ENG] - ¿Cúpula inocencia basada en ti? Eso no era más que mis tornillos desaforados.



¿Cúpula inocencia basada en ti? Eso no era más que mis tornillos desaforados.

Al lugar llegué, una gota fría desabrochaba mis mis medias, mis convicciones eran únicas. No contemple más que la sencillez, la perdida y tenue barrera que se atrevía a huirme, siempre y con tan solo mirarme, ese momento lo deseché.

No te atrevas a incitarme, porque vi como fuí mosquetero, intrigante y soñador, para una media gentileza de las que no soy capaz de recordar, y que pocos ahondan sin materializar, pero ya no. De esas llagas que esmeran sin remedios de locura, para aplacar y sincerar a la vida, que es algo que si se curar bajo mi placer.

Cometí un error, eso si lo sé; lo que quisieras lo escribí y lo olvidé por completo. Cuantificado me deslicé a lo que creí por completo, a lo que imaginaba sin vida alterna y con elegancia. Una locura de grandeza la dejaste pasar por completo, y eso ya no me incumbe a mi.



FOTOS E IMAGENES: Todas las imágenes son de MI PROPIEDAD, tomadas y capturadas con esfuerzo y dedicación, y están sometidas a los derechos de autor.

ESCRITURA Y REDACCIÓN: Toda la escritura y la originalidad del texto me pertenecen y están sometidas a los derechos de autor.


¿Dome innocence based on you? That was nothing more than my loose screws.

I arrived at the place, a cold drop unbuttoned my stockings, my convictions were unique. I only contemplated the simplicity, the lost and tenuous barrier that dared to escape me, always and just by looking at me, I discarded that moment.

Don't you dare incite me, because I saw how I was a musketeer, an intriguer and a dreamer, for a half-kindness that I am not able to remember, and that few delve into without materializing, but not anymore. Of those sores that strive without crazy remedies, to appease and sincere life, which is something that can be cured under my pleasure.

I made a mistake, I do know that; Whatever you wanted I wrote and completely forgot. Quantified, I slipped to what I completely believed, to what I imagined without alternate life and with elegance. You completely missed a madness of greatness, and that no longer concerns me.



PHOTOS AND IMAGES: All images are MY PROPERTY, taken and captured with effort and dedication, and are subject to copyright.

WRITING AND EDITING: All writing and originality of the text belong to me and are subject to copyright.

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An interesting idea, there was not enough clarity in the image.

Thank you!!! I try to be inmersived over any context in the nature, and with pleasure love the way I can feel and write about it. And it was difficult because it was over rainforest and with my camera was shaking capturating in a milisecond. Thank you again for your comment!!!

Muy bello!!

Excelente, gracias!!! Todo es parte de la vida, experiencia y gratitud. Gracias por tu aporte!!!

I am cautivated with some of the pictures, I enjoyed sneak peak in your garden! 🌺

Thank you!!! That is so nice. My pleasure to publish that kind of enjoyable nature and art from here. Thank you for your comment!!!