Hello Vincent,
I sent this to your personal website. Can you please respond and confirm its the real you. We get lots of imposters on HIVE.
Hello Vincent,
This is @slobberchops from HIVE. Can you please verify you have recently started posting your content on the HIVE blockchain? Otherwise, it's an imposter posing as you (and making crypto from your work).
Thanks, @slobberchops (a mid-sized HIVE stakeholder).
.. and now...
These were almost too good to be true... so, i checked yesterday. He has been verified in the OCD server. Thanks for your diligence too.

Thanks @castleberry, several of us are going to wait until he personally responds either on HIVE or via other means before giving any support.
Sure thing! I was fortunate to have gotten a swift response in the private message on Twitter. I followed the link directly from the website and he mentioned the title of the post in the pm on Twitter without clicking my link to his blog. That was good enough for me. Thanks again for keeping an eye out!
You had me concerned for a sec..
Thank you for bringing that to my attention before I get in over my head.
Cuz I found this one too and apparently Vincent is a gangster.
Hey Slobber chops, aka Bryn!
Thank you, I appreciate your concern and for looking out for me. It is indeed me and I have responded to your message on Twitter!
I just made my accounts a few days ago and am still figuring out the platform. (Hopefully I'm doing it right 😅).
Glad to connect here and thanks again for your help.
Have a great day,
When someone out of the blue arrives posting images such as yours we get a little suspicious. Unlike Twitter and Instagram, there's 'magic money' here and that's the difference. Now you are verified, you wont be challenged anymore.
Don't repeat content and make sure it's all yours; there are many undocumented 'rules' and then again there are none. You are responding to comments well, I don't see any problems with what you are doing. Welcome to HIVE. 😃
Vincent, awesome photography! When I joined Hive back in the day... First, I was accused of plagiarism on my own work, but it was in fact someone who used my work (so I was welcomed with due diligence and concerns of plagiarism for the work of the photographer), not much later, I had to put a shoe on my head to verify myself back in the day. You are going to love it here.
Insane photography.
hahah I've already gotten multiple messages to verify myself, although I didn't have to put a shoe on my head 😜
Thank you for the warm welcome
I second this.