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RE: Goodbye Hive. Thank you for the memories

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

HiveStreams.Live for the community to live stream on and watch each other on. But I am sad to see that there have been more leavers than stayers around here.I had been sneaking in and out till recently for awhile. I spent the last two years barely working, dealing with health stuff and moving to a new country. But lately I have sort of dove back in here all the way. Got a witness node going in partnership with the infamous EngineWitty, called @Pollenation and I made an app called


Sounds like you have been busy. I hope your health stuff has cleared up. I started my health journey a little over 2 years ago and have been going strong for the last 143 weeks. We only get one body and we gotta take care of it.

Where did you move to? I would love to get out of the US someday.

My health stuff is gonna be permanent but its manageable. Had a couple hospitalizations last year though.

Im in Costa Rica, living in the northern volcano and cow part of the country, total rain forest. Very small town. Plenty of choices to exit the USA to, I picked this one after seeing 17 countries but it would likely not have been my first choice, until an opportunity opened up next door to people I already knew... from here actually, so I took the leap and bought the spot last winter. So far so good.

Costa Rica is on my list of places to visit one day. I have really been considering moving there as well. I just need to convince my wife.

Visit first, the typical "gringo" who says "Costa Rica is on my list" but who hasn't spent significant time there first, are the ones who make the stat "90% of gringos who move to CR don't last two years" a true statement. It's expensive, first and foremost, its not going to meet most North American expectations in most ways, and its hot as fuck, ALL the time. Except when its raining 9 months a year, because then its wet. AND hot as fuck too.

I wouldn’t consider myself a typical gringo. I grew up in several different countries and have traveled quite a bit as well.

Fair enough. Spend a LOT of time in CR and in about a half dozen to a dozen different parts of the country before any kind of purhase or lease commitment. It's nothing like any other country in LatAm, for various reasons, and very very very unlike what most people expect of it. This from watching thousands of forum posts and meeting people and visiting, then buying property and ultimately living there myself. You gotta basically be ready to pay extreme amounts for even the lowest and most basic lifestyles, if you want things like A/C, or hot running water or other things, well prepare for those to cost like luxuries not basic necessities. It's better in the rural central areas, especially in the north, but the beach towns and big cities? You'll find a better, more comfortable, cheaper life in Miami.

That sucks it is so expensive there. I’ve also been looking at places in Asia as well. If anything, we will be keeping one home here in the US and just travel around living in different countries for a few months at a time. I’m really just interested in moving around the world for the food and pictures. I won’t set up a permanent residence in another country.