📷 Silhouettes in Golden Light

in Photography Lovers7 months ago (edited)

In the golden light of the setting sun, only silhouettes remain from the surrounding world — lines, shapes. And this very light, color in various shades in layers. Everything is laconic and simple. I like this, but for some reason I don’t get to take such shots very often.

I couldn't decide which of these two photos I like better, so I share both :) The first one has more interesting lines from the hills and mountains, and also the figures of small pyramids from stones below, on the ground. In the second one, the layers of gold and orange are brighter and more expressive. Which one do you like better?

It's better to watch the photos in high resolution.

Camera: OLYMPUS E-M1 Mark II

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.


nice shots, beautiful colors pictures!

Thanks a lot! :)

yeahhh keep going it