Hail to the Hive!
After what was an extremely chilled day I thiught I’d zip the drone into the sky and try and capture a sunset as I havdone that really since I’ve been here. So I got set up and got the bird into the sky.
Before I launched I checked online to see roughly when sunset would occur. 5:45pm apparently and it was 4:45. Perfect I have three batteries, lets go.
The loght changes pretty fast at sundown so I wanted to nip up and check out the view, return tombase, launch again and so on. I must have taken 200 shots as you always think ‘ ooooh nice’ then a minute later it is subtlety different and you go oooooh snap snap snap. It makes it a real ballache afterwards sifting through images that are nearly but not quite the same.
Nevertheless, if you like image capture then that’s half the fun. Tilt up , tilt down, pan left , pan right. Change altitude, swivel etc. you do pay the price later trawling through them all but like Imsaid, it really is half the fun.
And the reward is the results. Always very rewarding capturing nice images, especially with the drone as many won’t be anle to get these exact views so they are unique in their own way. And of course if I launch tomorrow they would be totally different cos mother nature always improvises with what she’s got on hand.
So all in all I did 4 flights. Yeh yeh I knkw only three batteries but I went up one last time with a battery that was quite low to catch the sun as it was getting lower.
My timing was just a tad off as I had no more batteries left right as the sun was about to plunge below the horizon. Ahhh bugger!
I guess I’m gonna have to give this another go to capture that.
It’s not like I’m that busy right now is it?
At least it wasn't the drone that went down!
Haha yeah too true. Orange Hawk Down would be baaaaaaad!
Haha incoming!
Lovely. Unlimited battery power would be awesome, right?
Certainly would. Having a bank of three helps massively though but yeah sometimes you want to be able to be up there much longer
Several shots from the exact same drone location could be merged into an animated GIF image, like a mini-movie! 😃
Hmmmm theres a thought. Might have to look into that 😃
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Love seeing the way these cloud formations look from the drone perspective!
Yep, i love it too. It adds a whole new dimension to the shots you can grab. Clouds formations are also never endingly awesome