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RE: Nothing to see here

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

It is nice to take a few minutes and think about how our photography habits have changed over the years.
It was hard to get a "decent" picture long ago when the first domestic cameras appeared on the market. First, they were expensive, second, you had to understand how to manage them, and third and most important, you did not have a chance to "see" the result right away, you had to wait for the development process to check how they came out. The final result was on paper and there was no internet so sharing them meant having a physical meeting with friends or family to show them up. Some of us also created photo books sticking the photos into adhesive pages to create special events.

I also remember the first "one usage" cheap plastic Kodak cameras, with nothing but the shoot button. It was a last-minute option in the event you had forgotten your camera during a vacation trip. You also did not have to bother with a roll changing as they could not be opened

All this process made you think twice before shooting. First, because there was the cost involved in the development, and second and most important because you had a limited number of photos you could take, usually 24 frames per film roll.

Things changed a lot when digital cameras appeared in the market, it is amazing the huge change they introduced and how fast they have disappeared as cell phones have taken most of that market share. Also, not dealing with fill meant you basically had zero price cost, so you could take as many pictures as you wanted.

Sharing was a different story, for a short period of time, most of the old-fashioned ones complained they could not see the results, paper development was out of the process and you needed to watch them on a computer since interned was something not quite spread yet.

Finally, the internet spread out all over, everyone has a cellphone with a decent camera, social media networks appeared to share and now there are photos all over. Also, new photo book services have appeared online giving you a chance to create a physical nice book adding text and graphic art.

To me, personally, what I appreciate the most is the quick way to enjoy the results, the fact that you always have a camera with you (on your cellphone) even when you are not carrying your DSLR and limitless photos can be taken to choose the one which came out best to keep that moment for the memories.