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RE: Putting my new (cell phone) camera through its paces: random testing shots

in Photography Lovers4 months ago

Yeah, Xiaomi has always been building this reputation of the highest performance/price proportion. And that´s what people like. I just read that they are about to become the biggest player in the world cell phone market. Tough competition for the original two heavyweights iPhone and Samsung :)


That's interesting. I know they have lost a bit of popularity over here because there is concern about spyware being embedded in the devices and accessories. Something that probably isn't as big of a deal outside the US.

Yeah, I heard that. Well, pretty much any piece of technology that comes from China may or may not include this "bonus" and I understand the concerns, especially in the US :) But honestly, with the incredible amount of personal data that "the internet" already knows about us through the social media, cookies, websites and applications, it feels like there is not really much left that can be spied out :D :/

I feel the same way. I think a bit of it is being overly paranoid, but then again you never know. If people really wanted to find out everything about me, they could probably do so quite easily these days.