Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
I know my blog has been pretty much dead lately but if you were following it back in the days when I was still active here and posted regularly, you might remember that even though my content has always been greatly visual, I actually never owned a real camera. I have been always shooting just with my phones and they were not even good ones :) My last phone served me well for some six years but it was time to get a new one. My last phone was Xiaomi and I was really happy with it so I wanted to stay loyal to this brand. Looking at what the current models offer, my priority was obvious: get the best deal on the camera. After some quick research, I decided to go for this beauty.
It´s Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro (I took the photo above with my old phone, naturally :D) and while it´s still one of the most affordable models out there (the price was just some 6,000 CZK which is like 260 USD), the camera looks really good and the reviews were mostly excellent. If you are interested in all the specs of the camera or the phone itself, feel free to check them out on the internet. In this post, I´m only going to brief you on my own experience (so far) and share some pictures here.
This phone supports many functions and cool features that none of my previous phones had and I´m yet to try most of them, including the night mode, the long exposure, the AI feature etc. but I don´t know if I ever get to write a proper review so let me show you what I have tried so far. The quality of landscape shots (in good light conditions) seems very similar to what I usually ended up with before with my old Xiaomi.
However, the zoom function on the new one is really cool. The following two pictures were taken from the very same spot, just a few seconds apart. The first one with no zoom and the other one with the maximum (10x) zoom. It´s a part of the "skyline" of my Czech hometown :)
Quite impressive sharpness for such a long distance if you ask me. In fact, when playing with this function, I realized that the maximum zoom captures what I cannot even see with the naked eye so I can kind of use the phone as binoculars :)
I also tried some food / drink photography. Not bad but not much different from my old phone.
I was really curious about the macro function as I love to take close up pictures of flowers, insects and other cool little creatures. Here are some shots. Honestly, I cannot get rid of the feeling that the phone can actually do better than this, maybe I´m just not using the function in the most efficient way...
And a few more random shots from Krakow where I just spent a few days, showing my mum and my sister around the city where I once lived. The final picture is a kind of bonus for you as I don´t think you get to see two nuns chilling by a natural pool every day :) And if that´s not cool enough for you, let me also tell you that they actually got there on mountain bikes :) Krakow is literally packed with all kinds of churches and monasteries and seeing monks and nuns in situations like this is pretty common over there :)
So yeah, that´s it for my little cell phone camera review. It´s a bit ironic though. I finally got myself a phone with a decent camera but I desperately lack time to write posts :/ And it´s very likely that I will have to pause my activities here on Hive completely soon as I´m about to start a new job that will be extremely time consuming in the first weeks and months :( I really hope to write an update about it before I start tough.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Welcome back, even if just for a few moments here and there. I get the feeling with Hive, you can do that as it’s way more human than those other places online.
Great camera and wonderful stories from where you live. I’ve the same problem photographically in that work and life get in the way a little bit. Good luck with the job.
Thank you! You are right, the Hive community is just so much different from many other places online. In a good way. I know it will always be here, no matter how long my break will be. Thanks for your comment and enjoy your trip to Mexico later this year, I´m sure you will love it there! :)
So looking forward to Mexico!!
To co v dnesnej dobe dokaze zachytiť mobil normalne nechapem.. tiez som poslednu dobu fical na starsjom fone(p20 pro), ktory som zdedil po priatelke lebo som si myslel ze je stale namakany a iphon ma prestal bavit..
nedavno som si poriesil note 20 ultra a ze co ti jebeeee.. ja nevjem ci este niekedy pouzijem nikon ktory lezi v sufliku haha.. ono to shootuje aj raw,co je mega na upravovanie v lightroome..
Dívám se na ten Note 20 Ultra, vypadá fakt dobře :) Jo no, mobily už delší dobu umí fotit opravdu skvěle. I tady na blogu se mi celkem často stává, že někdo nechce věřit, že fotím jen mobilem :) Já nikdy klasický foťák neměl a už asi ani mít nebudu. Už je to prostě síla zvyku. Navíc mobil máš vždy u sebe, takže můžeš cvakat kdykoliv a kdekoliv :)
Uplne suhlasim.. pokial njesi nejaky profesionalny fotograf tak fon urcite staci.. ja ten svoj klasicky so sebou stale vlacim, ale skoro nikdy nepouzivam.. :D
I love those macro photos 👍🏻, I think it's my favorite thing in a camera, I don't pay much attention to the rest because I don't know very much about photography 🤷🏻♀️ 😂.
Good luck on your new job, I wish you the best 👍🏻👊🏻🍀💰
Thanks amiga! :) I don´t know much about the theory of photography either, I improve my skills just by practicing and by learning from more experienced photographers here on Hive :) Yes, I know you like macro photography, your collections of insect close ups are amazing ;)
Hahaha, so we are both photography students 🤓📸📖🤭🤭😉. There are so many great photographers here in Hive, I absolutely agree with you 👍🏻.
Thank youuuuuuu🤗, I'm glad you liked them. Yeah, well, you know, I love all that microcosmos 🐌🐞🦋🐛🦗🦟🐝🕷️🧐
Looks pretty nice to me. Xiaomi has been making some good stuff for quite a while now. I have some of their wired headphones that I have always enjoyed. I don't use them as much anymore. I'm really happy with my Pixel 8 Pro, but for the price of yours, you really can't beat it.
Yeah, Xiaomi has always been building this reputation of the highest performance/price proportion. And that´s what people like. I just read that they are about to become the biggest player in the world cell phone market. Tough competition for the original two heavyweights iPhone and Samsung :)
That's interesting. I know they have lost a bit of popularity over here because there is concern about spyware being embedded in the devices and accessories. Something that probably isn't as big of a deal outside the US.
Yeah, I heard that. Well, pretty much any piece of technology that comes from China may or may not include this "bonus" and I understand the concerns, especially in the US :) But honestly, with the incredible amount of personal data that "the internet" already knows about us through the social media, cookies, websites and applications, it feels like there is not really much left that can be spied out :D :/
I feel the same way. I think a bit of it is being overly paranoid, but then again you never know. If people really wanted to find out everything about me, they could probably do so quite easily these days.
Exactly :)
Slušně fotí :) Ale stejně mě nejvíc zaujala ta fotka piva, znáš mě :)
Jen teda zrovna tohle není nic moc... 😉
Mě zatím v PL nejvíc chutnala piva z Browar Wielka Sowa 🍻
Tohle pivo jsem ještě neochutnal, ale fotka mě zaujala :)
Myslíš Książęce obecně nebo tuhle konkrétní IPU? Ta mi náhodou docela jela...
Tušil jsem, že pokud se tu zastavíš s komentem, tak v něm zmínka o pivu chybět nebude :) Mně tahle IPA celkem šmakovala. Ale své dělalo i to prostředí. Vlevo kostel, vpravo kostel, před tebou kostel, za tebou kostel. Mniši různých řádů prodírající se davy turistů... Inu, Krakow :)
Aspoň vidíš, že posty, pro které hlasuju, taky minimálně zběžně pročtu ;)
Excellent! I hope you enjoy a lot this new phone, sure little by little you will discover all the features of the camera and how to take advantage of it, hopefully you don't go too far away from Hive, a hug! :)
Thank you Sofia! Yeah, we get to know each other a bit better every day, I mean me and my new phone :D Well, only time will tell how far and for how long I will stray away from Hive but I will think of all of you guys meanwhile of course! :)
Anyway, I wish you much success! 😊
Thank you! :)
When I think to buy a new smart phone, the first feature I check is the camera of it. Never used Xiaomi, but the photos seem cool.
May use it on good days 😉
Yeah, good visibility is important when shooting from (cheaper) phones, I think this is one of the biggest differences between phone cameras and real cameras that can handle even come bad light conditions. But generally speaking, Xiaomi phone cameras offer a lot for the price, you may want to give this brand a try next time ;)
It's always exciting to get a new phone and try out all the features. I'm waiting for my new one in two months time as I need to get it from Hong Kong because it's much cheaper than UK.
A new job!! Hope it's something that you at least enjoy doing, as I remember you wanted to avoid getting a full time job.
And finally, how's little Flora doing?
I can imagine it´s much cheaper to get the phone from Asia than buy it here in Europe! Would you mind telling us the brand? Asia is home to many pretty cool cell phone brands.
Well, it will most probably be as full time as it gets. I was hoping to return to translation / copywriting but this industry has already been taken over by AI :/ So I have to venture into completely different fields. Fields that are unknown to me and where I won´t be able to take advantage of my education, background and experiences. But that´s life. Adapt or die.
Florecita has been absolutely amazing and that´s the most important thing :) Thanks for asking and stopping by!
Sorry for the delay in responding. And great to hear that Florecita is doing so well.
I'm getting the Google Pixel 8, it's over £600 in UK but around £350 from Hong Kong and my brother is visiting in August so I was going to get him to buy one for me. But my phone is starting to act up, then I found it for a little more expensive in UK last week so decided to get it here. It just arrived today, am still playing around with my new toy 😀
I'm sorry to hear about your forced change of career, sadly AI has upset a lot of industries in the past year or so. Your new role may be totally different, hopefully your soft skills is transferable and will help whilst you learn the ropes in the new job. Good luck
Google Pixel? Wow, never heard of that brand but a quick Google (Pixel :D) search says it´s a very good phone! Hopefully it will serve you well for many years!
Yeah, AI has been a huge game changer. I read an interview with some AI expert the other day and he said that a vast majority of jobs that are done on computer will be partially or fully performed by AI within some five to ten years. So it´s not just us translators who will lost their jobs to AI. The job market will soon look very different from what we know.
I love the camera as well as the pictures you took my friend. I'm loyal to Xiaomi as well for now. Haha funny about the nuns in the pool, for a moment I thought it was a joke. The photos have good sharpness.
Holaaa Evaaaa! :) Thanks for your lovely comment, especially as it is coming from another happy Xiaomi user :) Well, I´m sure you already noticed that you can really meet an unusually high number of monks and nuns in the streets of Krakow :) I think the amount of churches and monasteries per square kilometer in this city is just unparalleled :)
Cool you got a new phone, it surely will immortalize great moments from your daughter's growing up. I also have a Redmi, which has already served me for more than 4 years, but until it works I will not buy another one.
I hope you will get used to the new work quickly, and there will be some time for Hive 🤞
Thank you my friend! Glad to know that there are some fellow Xiaomi users here too :) The old one was still working but it was getting really slow and the memory full. But it was my reliable buddy for six years. I know most people buy new phones way more often than that. I don´t. Us minimalist frugalists just aren´t like that ;)
I would never have guessed that all your photos were taken with a phone! However, when there are good shots, technical matters are not so significant :)
Your photos are great, and the ones from Krakow touch my heart!
Really? Wow! I´m taking that as a huge compliment as it is coming from such a great photographer! Thank you so much. But yeah, all of my photos ever shared on this blog were taken by phones :) Mostly old phones to be precise :D But I always do some basic postprocessing on my laptop. Well, Krakow will always be in my heart and I´m happy t hear that my pictures from there touched yours ;) I know it´s your hometown. You grew up in a lovely place. I cannot wait to take my little daughter there. Meanwhile, she needs to make do with the little stuffed Wawel Dragon that I brought her from my last visit :)
Awwww... I guess you are raising a little traveler 😊
We hope so :)
Nice photos, you use smartphone to capture that. Redmi 13 Pro is good for smartphone photography, I have watch several review videos about that and mostly they recommended it as camera phone.
You also have good touch in point of view to take photos. Nice shots. 👍🏻☺️
Thank you very much for your kind feedback, glad to know that you enjoyed this little review :)
Wow! That's very impressive! 200mp camera is a dream! I've laid eyes on that before and I wonder how the moon would be captured by that, perhaps you can do it sometime when you are free and I hope you'd tag me.
It costs 17,000+ on the online shopping store I saw last time
Haha, capturing the moon was the first thing that came to my mind when I found out how cool the zoom is :) I will definitely try it out when I get an opportunity ;) With my previous phones, taking pictures of the moon was a big no no :D Just tiny little blurred dots :D I can see that 17,000 Filipino pesos is like 290 USD. Similar price as here. But I guess the purchasing power is lower in your country. Or is such phone affordable over there?
The way we all strive to have good cameras and show good content to people here I currently have oppo reno 5 its results are good and I am satisfied but after some time when I will also get money, so I will buy a good mobile with it. You have bought a good phone. I also like the result.
I just looked up your phone and it looks good! Haven´t heard of this brand but it offers a lot for such a good price. Thanks for sharing your experience with us :)
Nice ☺️👌🏻
Thanks for your support guys! :)
That's definitely an impressive zoom and probably rare in this price segment.
Yes, I was also surprised. I may finally be able to take some pictures of the moon with more than just tiny little blurred dots :D What phone do you have and how satisfied are you with it?
I am continuing with my Samsung Galaxy M31S, since using the camera for photography, not using the phone much. No plan to upgrade, as long as it goes on.
I see. Looks like a very good phone with a decent camera. Hopefully it will serve you well for at least a few more years :)
I never knew Redmi could produce a phone that will have this kind of amazing camera
The pictures look good. So can you say that you prefer this to iPhone camera?
I cannot really say as I never owned and iPhone. This brand has always been kind of overpriced in my book :)
Wow! This shots are so clean, one would think it's captured with iPhone. Redmi seems to be a nice phone with good camera.
Thanks! Yeah, the camera is really decent for such price :) Thanks for stopping by!
A stejně budeš nejvíc fotit potomka 😉
Copak fotky ale těch videí, co jsem od Florecity narození udělal! :D Víc než za předchozích 10 let :) Člověk prostě chce mít ten vývoj zdokumentovaný, však to znáš ;)
Ano, znám to moc dobře ;)
A taky vůbec nevím, jestli jsem před tím půlrokem gratuloval... Já většinou Hive posty čtu v nějaké pauze na mobilu a většinou nechci psát jednoslovné komentáře s tím, že pak odpovím z PC... No a většinou už na to nedojde...
Tak pokud jsem i tehdy opomenul, tak dodatečně velký gratulace Tobě i @liltammy a ať vám malá dělá jen radost!
Moc děkujem! :)
Your pictures are made with extremely quality! 😮
Thanks! Glad to know that you like them :)
Creating wonders in quality photographs. Nice captures. Especially the macro of flowers...too beautiful with the close up colour. All shots has its own beauty.
Thank you very much for your kind feedback! :)
That¿s a great image quality for a camera that fits in your pocket! i might have to try it out !
Yeah, pretty happy with what the camera can do :) Thanks for stopping by!
@tipu curate
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