My 7th Hive birthday. And much more :)

in Photography Lovers4 months ago (edited)

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

It feels strange to write these lines as it has already been more than 5 months since my last post here on Hive and I don´t even know where and how to begin. Interesting how fast one can get out of what once used to be a daily routine. But today is my 7th Hive birthday and I never missed out on writing the “birthday post” in the past so I figured it could be an excuse to finally find some time for Hive and write something :)

Most of you probably know the reasons behind my absence here. The past year has probably been the most turbulent year of my life so far with so many changes and challenges to cope with and since I never was a multitasker by nature, I always have to let go of some things when I need to focus on something bigger and more important. Unfortunately, Hive was among the things that I had to sacrifice, even though not completely – you might have noticed that I still curate and comment here and there ;)

So yeah, this Hive birthday post is very different from all the previous ones that I wrote when I was still very active here but that´s life and who knows, maybe the next one will be written by @phortun the fulltime Hiver again :)

(I will link the previous posts here for future reference)

My 1st Hive birthday
My 2nd Hive birthday
My 3rd Hive birthday
My 4th Hive birthday
My 5th Hive birthday
My 6th Hive birthday

So what has happened in my life during those months of being silent here on Hive? Quite a lot actually. We have been settling down in our new home, I have been learning the ropes of my new job while trying to be a good parent and also trying to catch up with my family and friends, making up for all those years spent abroad. Also, in September, my hometown was hit by devastating floods so I helped my family and friends who had their homes flooded.

The new job has been really challenging. You know, when I messed up my “fulltime Hiver career” by being a horrible trader, I thought I would just return to the jobs that I did before Hive – mostly translating and copywriting – only to find out that this business has been greatly taken over by AI. Consequently, I had to venture into an industry that was totally new and unknown to me – the world of finance and insurance advisors. I don´t know how this business is perceived in your country but here in my homeland, this job used to have a pretty bad reputation as there used to be many “advisors” who had little to no moral standards and who were basically just rippig off people. That´s why I was very hesitant about the job offer at first but I decided to give it a shot to see if the business is still so “dirty” or if it has improved and to my pleasant surprise, I found out that the situation has improved greatly and that this job can be done honestly and with pro-customer attitude if you really want. That´s why I´m still there, trying to learn everything that I should know to be able to do this job properly and professionally. In the first months, as a part of the training, I even had to go to Prague a few times to attend some courses and tutorials organized by the company. It was all cool except the hotel where we were staying and that´s also where I will start the photo dump that comes with this post :)

This ugly communist monster is where all of us newbies were staying. It was just as ugly inside too so the only good thing about the hotel were the views :)




As I already mentioned, my free time has dwindled dramatically so during the past six months or so, I have only managed to go for a couple of little trips, mostly just around my hometown of Opava. But some of those places are still cool, let me show you a few random pictures…














The beginning of autumn was nice, sunny and warm here in my neck of the woods. Colorful leaves everywhere, we even got to do some mushroom hunting, which is something I really enjoy, you might remember it from my older posts ;)







Unfortunately, like I already mentioned, in mid September, a part of my country got destroyed by devastating floods, including my hometown. The place where we are staying was safe but some of my family and many friends were not so lucky and they had their apartments, houses, garages, basements, gardens etc. flooded :( My hometown has a population of almost 60,000 people out of which more than one third was literally under water. I didn´t take many photos during and after the floods, it was all just too heartbreaking. I will only show you 3 pictures – one taken when the river was already swelling (but still a few meters below the culmination point), one from my favorite park when it started to get flooded and then, just for the idea of the scale of the disaster, a random picture from a street where I helped my friends who got flooded. In fact, hundreds of streets in the city looked like that after the floods… In some houses, there were 2 meters of water. In other places, the raging river tore down the houses completely. My hometown has been celebrating 800th birthday this year and this is what we got as the gift :( But Opava people are strong and resilient, we will get over it.




Later on, in early November, the first frosts arrived, conjuring up some beautiful frosty art out there. And then, about a week ago, we got the first decent snow load of the year. I took a moment on my way to work to check out some natural places on the outskirts of the city and snap a few quick shots of the fresh snowy beauty :)












I saved the best for last of course :) Many of you have been asking about our daughter, the little princess Florecita. She has been absolutely amazing. On November 4, we celebrated her first birthday. It was also about that time when she took her very first steps :) She has been so much fun to be around! She keeps babbling, making funny noises and all kinds of crazy gestures, moves and antics all day long! Soon after her birthday, we also celebrated her name day - Flora has her name day on November 24 in most countries where this name exists so we just adopted it :) So yeah, she has been getting a lot of gifts and visits lately and she loves it! :) Let me show you a few pictures of our little angel. I will try to organize them chronologically starting from summer onwards.















So that´s it from me guys. I´m really glad I found some time to write this post, I have been missing the engagement with you. Whenever I find myself at some nice place, you know, somewhere in my beloved nature, I still have this little subconscious voice in my head telling me: “Wow, this would be great material for a Hive post”. I hope the day will come when I will be able to listen to that voice again hehe :) Until then, I need to make do with random sporadic updates like this one. I hope I will manage to write something new before my next Hive birthday though :D I will try.

Thank you guys for all the nice comments, questions and wishes that you have been leaving here for me, I really appreciate it and I try to answer everything, time permitting. I will also try to reply to all the comments that may (or may not :D) appear under this post, just please pardon me if it takes a bit longer than it usually did before.



This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Tenhle článek mi úplně utekl. Tak hodně štěstí k virtuálním narozeninám;)

Koukám, že s anonymitou je tedy opravdu konec, teď už musíš být ve veřejném registru ČNB, pokud se nepletu :)

No říkal jsem si, jestli si vůbec někdo všimne, že jsem tu po takové době zas něco pustil do světa, ale nakonec ta zpětná vazba docela překvapila a potěšila. Zatím se tu na mě ještě úplně nezapomnělo :D :)

S registrem máš pravdu, ale já si dal už dávno na úřadech všechno do pořádku, takže mi to moc nevadí ;)

A vidíš, nakonec si všimla i minimálně polovina českého rybníčku :)

Snad sis to s těmi úřady opravdu pojistil ;)

Hi, @godfish,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

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The past year has probably been the most turbulent year of my life so far with so many changes and challenges to cope with and since I never was a multitasker by nature, I always have to let go of some things when I need to focus on something bigger and more important.

First of all congratulations on your Hive birthday. Life sometimes brings challenges, and we learn to cope from these turbulent times, isn't it ? ( otherwise, we just let it go always). Human nature is like that, given choice, we always pick the comfortable one, but if you don't have choice, then you grow a strong mindset to deal with anything. These times will be memorable moments of life.

And a lovely post to catch up with what's going on, sorry to hear about the 800th birthday gift, a natural calamity always brings pain, but the administration / govt should plan better to have them again, or at least deal with the situation better.

And to the best part - Florecita (Flora ), our little princess will always inspire you both to go through all these difficulties. She has that divine gift reflecting on her face. Always remember that famous quote from Bhagbad Gita - this too shall pass. So enjoy the ride and everything will be absolutely fine.

Thanks for these kind and wise words my friend, it really means a lot. You are right, our default setting is to always go for the most comfortable way but life doesn´t work like that and we need to adapt to whatever it throws at us ;)

As for the floods, I remember similarly devastating floods in our region in 1997 and since then, various anti-flood measures have been taken here but unfortunately, the floods that came this year were much bigger than those in 1997. Bigger than anyone could predict and expect. That´s why the damage now is even greater than in 1997, despite the safety measures. But climate has been messed up all over the world and we need to expect the unexpectable now. Unfortunately. A few years ago, for example, another part of my country was hit by a tornado, something that never happened here before.

You are right about Florecita. She is our little angel, our everything :) Thanks again for your lovely comment.

Happy first birthday Florecita! She looks healthy and happy and I bet you are too! Congratulations my friend! And wow! You really went through all the seasons in this post :)

I wish you all the best in your new job. Hopefully it will help you find more time to spend on HIVE and maybe we'll see you as a full time Hiver again before your 8th anniversary here; haha congrats!

Thanks mate! It would be really great if I had another chance to be a full-timer here but honestly, I don´t see this coming soon. Will see :) Thanks for swinging by, saludos to Guatemala!

Congratulations @phortun! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 7 years!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2024

I know, this post is actually (also) about it but thanks for the reminder guys! :)


Happy Hive Birthday @phortun

Thank you! :)

Happy Hive anniversary. 😊😊🎊🎊🎉 All the photos are great. 😊

Thanks! Glad that you liked the pictures :)

You're welcome.😊

I see that you have been quite busy during these last months.
Good luck with your endeavors and projects.@phortun nice to see you here and congratulations to your "Hive birthday" . Many of us in Hive miss your posts and contests.

BTW I like the "Feliz cumpleaños" sign in Spanish.

Best regards.

Hey mate! Thanks for stopping by and leaving this nice comment here. Hopefully, I will be able to resume my contests one day.

Well, you know that Latin America has a special place in our hearts and we want our daughter to like this part of the world as well ;)

To to letí..
Gratulace 👏

Congratulations on 7th Hive Anniversary!
We have missed your posts, and photos for a while. Thank you so much for sharing some of them (beautiful ones), and also with your life updates. I truly sorry for what happened just before the 800th Opava's anniversary. I can see that these natural disasters are becoming bigger and more often all over the globe. Couple of weeks ago, Valencia (Spain), was also completely devastated with the huge flood that happened in the region.
But let's focus on the joyful things, and your Florecita! She is so tall! It is for sure a true blessing to see her grow and to be near to testimony in the first row, right?
Thank you so much for your post! We truly missed it! And I hope that you can manage some time to keeps us updated before your 8th Hive Anniversary😅


Aww, thanks for these kind words my friend, I really appreciate it :) Yeah, I know about the floods that hit Spain a few weeks ago, it was all over our media. Just heartbreaking. The climate around the world is all messed up :(

I will do my best to post something before my 8th Hive birthday, I promise! :) Cheers to Portugal!

So much news! Happy Hive anniversary, and Happy Birthday to your little princess! She is just adorable 😍

You have a beautiful surrounding... and football stadium 😁 I can't decide what pictures are my favorite - fall or winter.
Take care, dear friend!

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you for these lovely words my friend! It means a lot :) Hugs and greetings from Czechia to Ukraine!

BEERHey @phortun, here is a little bit of from @zirochka for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on

Happy 7th anniversary. I hope you stay here for the rest of your life.

Thanks! I will try :)

But, after the ugly and sad stories, at the end your wonderful story about your little girl, her birthday and all those wonderful photos of you.
I'm new to Hiva, only six months, I wish you a happy anniversary here and many more together of all of us here. Big hug 🤗Dear friend @phortun, it is a wonderful post with beautiful photos at the beginning, then with sad ones (I'm sorry that you were hit by such a misfortune, but in troubles people help each other wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly and that's the beautiful side of all troubles).. My city was hit by a catastrophic earthquake on December 29, 2020... The whole country and all the neighboring ones came to the rescue with people and humanitarian aid.

Hey there, thank you very much for such a nice comment! I can see that you already made yourself comfortable here on Hive, that´s good :) It´s a great place. Good luck with your new blogging journey!

Regards from Czechia to Croatia, one of my favorite European countries! :)


So good to read an update from you! We all miss you and your posts 😎
Congratulations on your 7th Hive Anniversary 🥳🥳 such a milestone. To many more years.
Oh she is growing so fast.

Don’t be a stranger here… hahaha
Take care and I hope things settle down a bit so you have more free time.

Aww, thank you Little Bee! Hope that you have been alright, no matter where your wanderlust takes you :)

You are so welcome 🤗
Thanks a lot.
It’s a bit stressy lately and I have no idea where next… but I know there is a next again 🫣 will be fun and exciting 😁
(Have to get through winter first)

Have a fantastic December 😊

And where are you now? Well, we have already been back to Central Europe for some time already so we are slowly adapting to the winters again, even though we always miss the tropics in the winter so much... Have a nice and peaceful Advent! :)

I am far far north on the 64 parallel N line hahaha so winter november until june ❄️☃️😂 meters of snow literally. I haven’t told people yet as I am still writing the roadtrip to move countries. It is 11 parts. Today I post part 9.
The winters here are something I must tell you. Luckily nit icy cold but a dry cold, so even with -28 it is not to the bone painful going out.

Yes, we always crave for something we don’t have… it’s a human thing. I could crave for some sun right now and more daylight. The days are so short.

Thank you so much, hope yours was wonderful.
🤗🤗 !HUG

Wow! That sounds very cold and snowy! :D It would probably be the lack of daylight too though what would bother me the most over there :) Anyway, have fun and don´t freeze! :D

It is hahaha somehow also magical. For me is the few daylight hours the worse. My body clock is confused. Thinking it is dinner time and shortly bedtime when it is only 1600h So strange to explain.
I went grocery shopping at noon. The temperature in the car read -17,5 degrees Celsius what. It will get colder soon.
Will do my best to stay warm… renovating the cabin does help. Now inside sanding floors and painting the walls will keep me warm 😊
Enjoy your evening!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @littlebee4 tipped @phortun


The title was what caught my attention!
Your 7th Hive Birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations to you.
You've been around here for quite some time😀

It's so nice to read through your post.

Wow, seasons change and times are different.
I'm glad you're thriving despite all the odds.

You may have made some mistakes, but they are definitely stepping stones to better things.

I see you have a thing for remembering and celebrating notable days.
It probably runs in your blood. Cos your home town also celebrated her 800th birthday.
This is a good culture I must admit.

Your daughter is so adorable 🥰

Keep going friend.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and leaving this kind feedback here. I can see that you have only been here with us for a few weeks so let me also welcome you on Hive!

Greetings to Nigeria! :)

Thank youuuuu🤗 for the warm welcome 😁

Have a pleasant day ahead.

Congratulations @phortun and good to see you back even if it's once on 5 months.

So many changes in the year, I can imagine how difficult it must have been to hold down all the lids at the same time, let alone to deal with flooding in your hometown.

Little Flora looks so happy, she has a beautiful smile, I'm sure she will make up for everything that you've had to go through this year.

Take care, and hope the new job gets better as time goes on

Thank you Pauline! Yes, posting something after such a long time felt kind of strange but just seeing the nice comments here from so many people made me really glad I did it. I hope to improve my time management to the point where I can post something at least once a month. Will see. Thanks again for swinging by. Greetings and Happy Advent to you and yours! :)

Wow that has been some year dude! Girst of all happy 7th hive (yeahhh with ya on this one 7th year) but wow a lot has happened indeed. Sweet mini-me you have there and totally understandable there is less hive time (especially since the new job). Seems like you are doing fine though and that is most important!!

Hey there! Quite a year indeed! :D Thanks for your nice comment, hope you have been alright! :)

Congrats on 7 years here, but even more, congrats on your daughters first birthday.

Thanks man!

Greetings, beautiful pictures, blessings and many more years of success.

Thank you.

Congrats, awesome shots here too.

Thanks, glad that you liked them :)

Tady měl někdo "absťák" :-D.
Samozřejmě všem třem velká gratulace. Pevně věřím, že už jste na cestě vzhůru.

To víš, že mi to chybí :) Snad se podaří další post dřív než za rok :D

Moc děkujeme.

Ja som svoje intro postal sa mi zda ze pred dvoma rokmi, taze aj keby si dal dalsi post o rok, stale lepsie ako ja 😄

To jo, proti tobě jsem pořád velmi aktivní Hiver :D

Za dlouhých zimních večerů snad najdeš chvilku :-).

Rád jsem vás "poznal" :-)

Wow, Congratulations on your 7 years anniversary on Hive.
Wishing you more amazing years. I hope you learn all you need to in your new job. Stay well.

Thanks for your kind comment, have a nice day!

Happy 7th Hive anniversary to you, finally, we heard from you, and it is a pleasure for us. Life is full of turbulence as it is, but we have to carry it on with all our effort. I hope your new job will be okay with the passage of time as it is new to you but time will teach you perfectly. Wish you and your family full of love and good wishes. Take care.

Thanks for these nice words, I really appreciate it :) Greetings from Czechia to Bangladesh!

@tipu curate 4 :)

Dziękuję i pozdrawiam Kraków! :)

Hey, man! Happy 7th Hive Birthday!!!

Long time no see! I have to admit that I was lazy with my camera as I wasn't "incentivized" to take photos! Your small "contest" was one of the motivators to do it... :)

Btw. can't blame you for your absence when so many things changed in your life in these few months that could easily fit in someone's decade! It's good to see that you are having a great time and that you are satisfied with your job!

Greetings to the whole family! 😍

Thanks mate! Really nice to see that people have been missing my contests, I hope to resume them one day :) Well, yeah, a lot has been happening in my life lately but... that´s life I guess :D Thanks again for stopping by! Cheers from freezing Czechia to sunny Spain! :)

First of all, congratulations on your 7th Hive birthday! You may have had a turbulent year and maybe didn't have time to write posts, but still, you were around in curations and comments :) And - you wrote your post before this year ended, I remember you mentioned that wish of yours when I was a bit struggling coming back as well. Sorry to hear about the floods in your country... terrible when people lose everything. Sad things, but hey, I am so glad to see that snow and Flora, aw, congratulations on her first birthday and first steps!!!! Happy moments 😇 Glad to read a post from you, many, many greetings :))

Aww, thank you so much for these kind words amiga :) Yeah, I have been trying to at least distribute my TipU votes every day but sometimes, I even struggle with that :D :/

The floods were really bad, many people here in my hometown lost everything, just like many of your Spanish fellow citizens did a few weeks ago :( The climate change is as real as it gets, unfortunately...

Florecita has been amazing, every moment with her is a happy moment ;) Thanks again for such a lovely feedback, have a nice day and peaceful Advent!

Happy Hive birthday! Good to see your update, I hope everything keeps going well and that you come back here more often. A hug!

Holaaa amigaaa! :) Thanks for stopping by! I will try :)

Happy Hive Birthday! It takes a lot of perseverance and hard work, but it always pays-off somehow

Thank you :) It does take perseverance to be successful here but it can definitely pay off in the long run. When you want to do this full-time though, you need to be a good and disciplined trader too. I learned this the hard way :)

Všechno nejlepší k hiverozeninám, ať se daří Tobě i rodince. A snad najdeš i víc času na postování. Dcerka roste jako z vody, asi to bude pěkný rarášek. Jinak jméno Flora se objevilo i v českém sci-fi Bod obnovy.

Díky moc za přání - potěšilo, že se tu objevil i nějaký český koment :) Film jsem neviděl, mrknu, až bude chvilka. Díky za tip :)

Waooo 🤩 que de imágenes más bellas bro.

Muchas felicidades @phortum por esos 7th años en hive, yo próximo a mi primer año jj 😁, espero poder llegar a eso 7 igual que tú jj.

Estas imágenes me encantaron. Gracias por compartir crack!! Saludos desde cuba 🇨🇺😊👏 y a seguir creciendo este 2025 exitos bro .. Buen día

¡Gracias y muchos saludos desde Chequia a Cuba! :)

Přeji ti hezké výročí a šťastnou rodinku ;⁠)

Moc děkujeme! :)

Glad to hear you were safe from this flood. I remember I hit Poland, but right, part of Czech Republic is in the same region. U just didn't connect the dots.

The little one grows quickly and you can say she is happy, even seeing her face hidden behind emoji.

I took some post break myself, soon to be 1 year, it's just accident that entirely new chapter in my life started, but I'm going to come back to Hive soon. I hope to see more from you too.

Hey Przemek! Good to see you here! Your posting break is indeed even longer than mine but I can see you at least work hard on growing your stake here, that´s great. I hope to see some update from you too, I´m sure there has been a lot happening in your life too, hopefully mostly good stuff :)

I know the floods were in Poland too, even some big cities like Wroclaw were in danger. Was your region safe?

Yeah, life is going well :)

Only southern Silesia was affected by floods, I live myself on the upland so I knew it just from media pictures.

Good for you :) Take care my friend and I will be on the lookout for some update post from you. Cheers!

Congratulations, friend! 🖤

This day will be extra special for all of us because we love this platform so much and we congratulate you for being on this platform for a long time.

Thanks for your feedback.

Most welcome.

Happy Hive Birthday!
The floods hit really bad this year too and I wish the people who unfortunately get hit by the floods the best
Your baby has a really cute smile!

Thanks for stopping by, sorry to hear that floods hit your region too :(

It's good to hear that you and your family are okay 💛
Congratulations! Not only on your seventh anniversary on Hive but also on how well you handle the challenges of life.
Warm regards from Krakow!

Thank you very much! From Krakow? So your Icelandic mission is over?

It's just a long vacation, I'm going back to Iceland in two weeks :)

I see :) Are you going to live there permanently? In Iceland I mean...

At the moment, I plan to stay in Iceland for a longer period. Life loves to write its own scripts, so I generally avoid saying "permanently," but I feel there is my home for now.

Yeah, I know what you mean :) I actually don´t use that word often myself too :)

Felicidades por esos 7 años mi amigo! Qué genial es leer de nuevo una publicación tuya. Hermosas fotos y hermosa Florecita 🥰🥰

Muchas gracias querida amiga, fue genial escribir algo nuevo después de tanto tiempo. ¡Un abrazo y saludos desde Opava hasta Sosnowiec! :)


Sounds like you are doing great, enjoy!

Not sure but I´m trying! :D Thanks for dropping by man!

Heheeeeeey... ZIJE!
Som normalne neveril, ked som videl Tvoju fotku medzi notifikaciami..
Kokos, moj mozog nevie rozmyslat slovensky haha.. popici Ta vidiet around aj ked viem, ze mas dolezitejsie veci na robote.. je mi luto povodni, teraz nehovorim len o tych v cechach ale celosvetovo, europa dostala na prdel poriadne za poslednych par mesiacov. Normalne som musel prestat pozerat taketo videa na socialnych sietach, budovy sa zase postavia, aj mosty a cesty, ale ked pomyslim kolko zvierat "odlialo", srdce mi to trha! (Hate ppl,love animals)

Anyway. . Happy Bday, both of ye..

No vidíš, kdyby se mi podíval do komentů, tak bys věděl, že jsem tu stále aktivní skoro každý den, i když většinou jen na pár minut :D Ale post už to chtělo, co si budem povídat :)

Ty povodně byly fakt zlé. Ale není to zdaleka jen tady. Po celém světě se dějí šílené věci. Just Mother Nature taking her revenge on us... Jak u vás ve Skotsku? Jste v pohodě?

Dude, what a post!! So much to take in. Firstly great to have you back with an update. Life sure does sound busy, but exciting and rewarding too (mostly - so sorry to hear about the flooding)

The photos around Opava are amazing and look at how grown up Florecita is now! It's clear that she is yer pride and joy and the love is immense ❤️

Lastly well done on the new job, it sounds like you're really enjoying it so far and doing things the right way.

Hey man! Busy indeed but I´m really glad I finally managed to spare some time to write a post and engage with you guys a bit :) I wish I could be as regular and consistent as you haha :) Hope everything is ok on your side. Cheers!

Ya know what, I'm pretty good at keeping a habit once it's engrained, but once it slips, forget about it. I might never get dedicated again! Well, glad to hear all is good in 'real life' busy, but good.

First of all Happy Birthday, my friend.

It gives me great pleasure to see you here, even for a short while, but you see, life takes us on paths we don't know.

As long as you are happy with your beautiful family the rest doesn't matter, after all in the course of our lives at some point we are forced to make sacrifices.

Have a wonderful week🥰

Thank you for very much for your kind words and wishes my friend! How have you been doing in your new life role of a father? :)

Thank you so much for your question, and yes, I can say that the birth of my child made me see life differently, it brought me a ray of joy, every day with him is amazing, we are all still learning to understand each other and communicate, yes, something only a parent can understand.

As I have already written in my posts, I quit my job, I chose to put an end to the daily stress at work and dedicate at least a few months to my child, in life I know that money is not the only thing that matters, happiness and peace of mind can be found in small things.

Honestly, I don't regret for a moment that I resigned, it's how I was able to discover how much you matter as an employee to your boss and, moreover, I got an important lesson about trusting people.

Life goes on we just need to know who and what to appreciate.

How are you, all?😊

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Yeah, I think I already knew that you decided to quit your job to be able to spend as much time with your son as possible and I think it was a great decision ;) As long as you have some savings to cover the expenses that you and your family will have, the best thing you can do is to be there for them. And don´t worry about the lesson with trusting people, we all get these lessons. That´s life. Some people are not who you thought they were. Happened to me as well, quite a few times already...

Enjoy the weekend my friend, all of the best to you & yours!

Indeed it is, without money we can't do anything, especially as in Romania life is quite expensive, considering our monthly incomes.
And yes, with the savings I have, I can stay calm long enough and I also have a lot of help from my in-laws, who are very supportive.
The Romanian state keeps complaining about the very low birth rate in Romania but they do nothing to help couples to think more about having children.
The monthly income that the Romanian state gives monthly to a child is around 50 euro, honestly with this money you can't do much.
Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend!

Just 50 EUR monthly? Wow. For how long? Here in my country, the current support from the state that a family with a newborn baby gets is 350,000 CZK (=14,000 EUR) and the family can choose if you want the all the money in one amount or if you want to receive them in smaller monthly amounts for up to 3 years. Really sorry to hear that the situation in your country is so bad :/ No wonder the birth rate is decreasing over there...

The situation in Romania is not very rosy when it comes to newborns and yes, the monthly amount is a maximum of 50 euro, but I still have a chance to apply for a monthly allowance for a maximum of 2 years which will be 80% of my average salary for the last two years.
I haven't applied for this yet because I don't have all the necessary information, but I will ask the state employees to explain this to me, hopefully I will get some extra money.
Have a wonderful Sunday!

koukám že mazec jako všude ... rád tě slyším po letech ....

tak ať běží co nejpomalejc ... raději tam než tady často dokud to nezačne samo psát na hive co @krakonos

No jo, letí to :) Jsem rád, že jsem mohl konečně zase něco sepsat a potěšily i ty komenty tady. Díky a pěkné svátky! Věřím, že ti je Bitcoin udělal ještě o něco veselejší než obvykle :D

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Yay! Thank you! :)

Congats mate! I will celebrate my 7th in Jan as well :)

Thank you :) Happy Hive Birthday in advance to you too (in case I´m not online here when your big day comes)

You wont leave HIVE at least :)

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Aww, this is sweet :) Thank you!

You're on your way to becoming a Hive legend! Keep up the fantastic work @phortun.

Boží! Je skvělé číst, že se máš moc krásně! Vlastně jsem tady šla cíleně kvůli tomu, abych si přečetla tvé novinky 😀 Držím pěsti s novým jobem a až budu potřebovat poradit s financema, vím, za kým zajít :) a malá je šikovná! 😊 tak mějte ten nejlepší rok! ♥️

Jéé to je od tebe hezké, že ses stavila, moc děkujem! :) Taky bys ale mohla něco napsat - vidím, že ses odmlčela už víc než před rokem :D Snad je to u tebe všechno v pořádku. Taky jen to dobré do nového roku!