Architectural Photography: majestic St. Barbara Church in Kutna Hora

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

I´m really excited to come with something else than just my regular series posts again after a while. For reasons mentioned in this post, Hive time has been very scarce to me lately and I still cannot get used to it. But enough whining, I´m finally here with a new fresh post about our latest trip and that was a trip to the picturesque Czech town known as Kutna Hora.

I will tell you more about the town itself in one of the next posts but today, we will go straight to the most famous landmark of this lovely little town and that´s the renowned St. Barbara Church. To introduce you to this spectacular architectural masterpiece though, I first need to provide you with some very brief history lesson.

These days, Kutna Hora is home to just some 21,000 people, which makes it a little town even by our (Czech) standards but in the medieval times, because of enormous natural resources, especially silver, Kutna Hora used to be a very prominent and powerful city that even competed with Prague for the supremacy over the Czech lands.

Back in the 14th century, the construction of the magnificent St. Vitus Cathedral began in Prague but Kutna Hora wasted no time and soon after that, the St. Barbara Church started to be built in there. The Kutna Hora royalty even hired the very same architect Petr Parler that designed the St. Vitus Cathedral and they told him to design the St. Barbara Church in a similar, or maybe even more pompous fashion. What Petr Parler started, however, a number of other architects coming from several generations had to continue and finish as it took almost two centuries to complete the church.

Over the course of time, a couple of major reconstructions of the church were done so these days, you can see more architectural features on it than just the original Gothic. The St. Barbara Church truly is an outstanding piece of medieval architecture and it comes as no surprise that it´s considered one of the most important constructions that have ever been built in our country and maybe even in all Europe.

Without further ado, here are some pictures of the St. Barbara Church that I took in Kutna Hora just a few days ago.













I hope that you enjoyed the photos and that they also gave you some idea of the monumentality of the church. Usually, with such gigantic constructions, it´s actually very difficult to capture the building in its entirety so most of the pictures feature just some parts of the church. Unfortunately, the light conditions were not very favorable either as most of the shots had to be taken against the sun, which made me struggle pretty bad with the contrast and exposure in the post processing.

We already were a bit under time pressure by the time we got to the church so we didn´t go inside but after checking out the interior pictures on the internet, I can tell you it´s just as beautiful inside as it is from the outside ;)

The last image was taken from distance for a better perspective so let me just tell you that the elongated building that looks like a chateau is actually a Jesuit Campus that was built next to the church at the beginning of the 17th century.

To find out the exact location of the St. Barbara Church, feel free to check out the Pinmapple, I pinned it there ;)

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A to som si naozaj myslela, že som väčšinu Čiech už videla, ale vždy keď niečo nové napíšeš, tak je to z miesta, kde som ešte nebola 😂

Krásny kostol, boli ste aj vo vnútri? S tou dlhou budovou to naozaj vyzera trochu ako Pražský hrad..

Už sa teším na ďalší článok, keďže podľa google je Kutná Hora fakt pekná 🙂

No vidíš, já se přiznám, že jsem byl v Kutné Hoře taky poprvé, což je ale trochu ostuda, protože je to fakt známé místo, dokonce jedna z památek UNESCO, stejně jako třeba Český Krumlov. Navíc je to jen necelá hodinka vlakem z Prahy, takže určitě doporučuju ;)

Uvnitř jsme nebyli, už jsme neměli moc času a já si stejně radši prohlížím a fotím tyhle architektonické skvosty zvenku, než se uvnitř (často navíc za dost vysoké vstupné) mačkat s dalšími návštěvníky... Ale do té kostnice jsem chtěl, to zas jo, ta je fakt unikátní... Článek ale bude i tak, neboj :D

Do 15.století bývala Kutná Hora neoddiskutovatelným druhým nejdůležitějším městem Českého království. Archtekti, kteří budovali Prahu, odcházeli potom budovat Kutnou Horu. A je to na tom městě vidět. Takže je tam co vidět...

Ano, uvádím to v textu...

Nice to see you back here again with an amazing creation, seriously, the architecture of this church as well as the attached photos are amazing.

Thank you! Glad to know that you enjoyed this little historical tour :) I hope to prepare another post from this picturesque Czech town this week...

I can't wait to see your next post from the Czech Republic, I have visited this country too and it is spectacular, can't wait to go back there.

I posted another one 2 days ago. A creepy one though, about an ossuary :)

Wow. Thanks for the walk around this marvel!
Buildings like this one mark the Western world, IMHO :)
By the way, I was recently told by a member of the Pinmapple team that only the pins that get into the curated list, or their digest, as they call it, remain on the map. So it appears that automated comment isn't exactly correct, unfortunately.
I will be adding my photos to Google map as well, obviously :)


Oh really? I didn´t know that either, thanks for letting me know :) But it actually makes sense, with so many posts submitted to Pinmapple daily, the world map would soon get clogged so some selection is needed I guess and quality sounds like a good criterion :)

Thanks for swinging by and for your kind words, it really means a lot from a photographer like you!

I'd say, it makes sense and it doesn't. Both :) I am pretty sure getting into that digest is always subjective and a lot of politics apply, of course, it's human to have favorites. Trends too. Of course, the technical side is quite important too, I hope they made their database scalable enough. ;)

Thank you :)

From some angles, the church seems very similar to The Black Church from Brasov, Romania so I'm happy to see familiar stuff even though I've never been in the Czech Republic so far. It makes me feel like I already visited it, but the good part is that at the end of September, I will have a trip there and I can't wait to see the whole beauty with my own eyes 😍❤️

I just checked the Black Church from Brasov and I can indeed see some similarities :) But it´s not so surprising because the churches were actually built in pretty much the same time. More travels for you, yay! I´m just not sure if your trip will be to Brasov or to Czechia? :D

Czechia! Can't wait for it 😊❤️

Wow! That´s amazing! :) A the end of September, we should still be here in Prague so I will be happy to meet you and show you around :)

Would love to! :)

I love how you captured the church! It looks pretty cool! So you are a digital nomad and a full time hiver, I love that!! I’m planning to do something like this, hehe, thanks a lot for the inspiration!

Thank you! Well, I was a digital nomad for about a decade, until recently and I was (trying to be) a fulltime Hiver, until recently but because of various reasons and changes in my life, I was not able to maintain that status anymore so I will soon be looking for a regular job. But the past couple of years were absolutely amazing and I hope you will be able to make it happen as well. I can see that you are based in Argentina, which is great because it´s a beautiful country where living is not as expensive as for example here in Europe. So best of luck to you and your plans! :)

Heheh Thank you!! I’m planning to move to Europe by the end of this year since I’m also Italian, and in Argentina everything is cheaper, but the quality of life is not the best..

Thanks a lot for your comment!!

I see. Well, being a fulltime Hiver in Italy will be more challenging than in Argentina but who knows, maybe 1 Hive will be worth 10 dollars by that time and every Hiver will be a fulltimer then :D

Wow! Nice one! Are these ribs-like structures on sides of te building a Czech thing? It seems to be similar to Prague cathedral, the biggeest one. But these tent-like roofs is something absolutely unique. I like old churches and I'm adding this one to my bucket list right now!

I think those rib-like features are just a form of the so called flying buttress, they are quite typical of Gothic architecture. Yes, the St. Barbara Church is similar to the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, it was designed by the same architect, I mentioned it in the text. I´m glad this post inspired you to visit Kutna Hora :) There is actually one more iconic landmark of the town and that´s the Sedlec Ossuary. That place is even more unique. I will write about it soon.

Yeah, right, I just skimmed through your post this time, but it turned out my intuition was correct.

Ossuaries are weird ass thing to build! I visited one in Kudowa Zdroj, PL around 2-3years ago. It seems it was quite popular idea in this region of Europe.

Yeah. Creepy places. Google out some pictures of the Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora though, that place is really unique. The decoration made of bones and skulls in there is so weirdly impressive...

Wow, fucking bone chandelier!

I remember the story from Kudowa-Zdrój Skull Chapel that it was meant to be a warning about tragedies of war since war casualties' bones were used there.

I can imagine only one more reason to build such thing - to warn your enemies :D Well, waiting for your post.

I don´t know the story behind the Kutna Hora Ossuary but now I got curious about it and will do my deep research to find out :D ;)

Amazing Architecture of that church, excellent photos... A high-end post @phortun friend!

!discovery shots

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The St. Barbara Church looks absolutely stunning. I love the way the Gothic architecture is combined with other architectural features, and it's clear that a lot of time and effort went into its construction.

I'm sorry that you didn't have time to go inside, but I'm glad you were able to get some good photos of the exterior. The last image is especially impressive, and I can see how the Jesuit Campus would add to the overall beauty of the complex.

Thank you very much for checking out the photos and even reading the text, I really appreciate your feedback! :) It was a pleasure to take you on this little historical tour :)

This building looks unbelievably good, man. I wish the technology was a bit more advanced in the past and there was a documentary of these buildings being built.

Yeah, exactly. Whenever I admire some architectural masterpiece like this one, built many centuries ago, I always wonder: "How on Earth did they build it back then?" :)

What a beautiful building! Were you able to get any shots of the interior? Great pictures!

Thanks! No, we didn´t have time to go inside :) Maybe next time...

Oh heaven, that's just like a castle with a beautiful built structural design. It's pretty, seriously, although you can already see the time it was built here but the elegance is still there. What a beautifully built Church (✯ᴗ✯)

Thank you very much for this kind feedback, I´m glad you enjoyed these shots and this little "time travel trip" :)

This is the best part when reading article on Hive. I get to discover new thanks to you and those people who really love traveling and making it into a blog

While engineers today are creating masterpieces, there's something incredibly unique about these medieval structures. Starting with their incredible durability, iconic design elements, and how they represent strong historical values, they are simply unmatched. Thanks for sharing these exciting photos. You really are a great photographer!

Thank you very much for your comment. Yeah, these medieval wonders are really fascinating. We can only speculate what architectural legacy will be left and admired after our generations in the future but I doubt it will be as precious and admirable as what the medieval masters left to us ;)

Rightfully so!

Este post foi lido,aprovado e votado pelo curador @pataty69. Desejo que continues a contribuir com publicações de interesse e qualidade para a blockchain Hive.
This post was read, approved and voted by the curator @pataty69. I wish you continue to contribute with interesting and quality publications to the Hive blockchain.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it :) Saludos!

This is my kind of place, my kind of architecture 😍❤️ I can only speak about it in superlatives.

Thank you Erika! I think these magnificent Gothic masterpieces appeal even to those who are not really interested in architecture, let alone actual architecture fans like you ;)

What a unique looking building. I wish modern buildings were just as interesting and aesthetic. Well done capturing the different aspects of its architecture.

Exactly! When looking at the modern buildings, I wonder if the future generations will admire them as much as we admire these architectural gems built centuries ago. And honestly, I don´t think so :D :/

Many of the buildings where I live are made of glass, so they'll be lucky to remain standing after centuries.

Wow - what an architectural delight ! Thanks for sharing !

Thanks for checking it out! :)

Wow 😲😲 amazing view 😍

Thanks :)

I personally like the old buildings because their designs are stronger and more beautiful, this building also looks very beautiful.

Thank you :)

Most welcome.

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To teda je :) Trochu ostuda, že jsem ho na vlastní oči viděl poprvé až teď... Díky za Luváka a zařazení do soutěže.

I like the Gothic style of churches, the things on the top of the church reminds me of that of Duomo di Milano.

Thanks for the post mate!

I like Gothic churches too, there is something fascinating / mysterious about them :) Duomo di Milano is another level but I´m sure that the architect of this church in Kutna Hora would be pleased by your comment :)

Usually, with such gigantic constructions, it´s actually very difficult to capture the building in its entirety so most of the pictures feature just some parts of the church.

AGree with you, but you have done a decent job, You have tried your level best to capture all sides of this beautiful Church. It's so beautiful to look at.

Thanks! I did try to capture the church from all sides but it felt like the sun was always there, trying to ruin my photos :D :/

It's almost impossible to beat the sun @phortun :D

I know but usually, when taking pictures of something, half of it is lit by the sun and the other half is in shade but here with this church, it felt like the sun was shining from all directions, that´s why only the front side with the main gate looks good. With all the other sides, I really struggled with the light. Weird :)

The church is impressive from every angle and in every light. It is indeed monumental and representative of true gothic architecture. Very nice photos.

Thank you very much for checking out the photos, I´m glad you enjoyed this little tour around the church :)

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