Přírodní motivy

I won't dwell on the obvious fact that this day was warm, as one would expect during summer. For lunch, I indulged in a refreshing combination of watermelon and ice cream. Now, I find myself contemplating what to have for dinner, followed by a refreshing shower and an outing to catch a summer movie theater. While I'm not particularly yearning for a film, it will be pleasant to enjoy the relatively cooler evening outdoors.

However, I wouldn't want to deny you your daily dose of captivating imagery. Today, I present to you a delightful collection of nature-themed photographs (as expected). These snapshots feature a graceful white butterfly, a vibrant peacock butterfly, and a charming lady beetle.

Nebudu opakovat zpravodajské weby a říkat, jak byl ten dnešní den teplý. Ostatně, je léto, tak jaký jiný by měl být? Na oběd jsem měl meloun a zmrzlinu, teď popřemýšlám, co k večeři, dám si sprchu a půjdu do letního kina. Ne že bych toužil po jakémsi filmu, ale bude fajn být v relativním chládku venku.

Ale ani v takovém případě vás nemůžu ochudit o denní dávku fotek, tentokrát na přírodní motivy (ostatně, jak jinak). Bělásek, babočka a slunéčko.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Bhtterfly ist ein Muster erforderlich

Beautiful butterflies and a beetle. I hope you enjoy your weather condition with these beautiful beings around you though.

I'm enjoying it, but the weather could do with some moderation.