Ghost trains

I went to the track today to take some pictures of some trains. And I didn't want it to be so ordinary. I took an ND filter and tried to shoot long exposure.

Maybe it looks like our trains are going too fast. So fast that they're just a blur. Well, actually...

Šel jsem dnes ku trati fotit nějaké vlaky. A nechtěl jsem, aby to bylo tak úplně obyčejné. Vzal jsem si na to ND filtr a zkoušel jsem fotit dlouhým časem.

Možná to vypadá, že naše vlaky jezdí příliš rychle. Tak rychle, že jsou z nich jen mázlé šmouhy. No, ve skutečnosti...



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I used to use times from 1 to 2.5 seconds. Only I took a photo of Pendolino "normally" for comparison.

Používal jsem časy od 1 do 2.5 sekundy. Akorát fotku Pendolina jsem pro porovnání udělal "normálně".


Taking pictures of trains like this is a pretty peaceful activity. You sit next to the tripod, occasionally press the shutter... Some people would take a book to read out of boredom for such a photosession. At least I took a picture of the equipment with my mobile phone.

Takové focení vlaků je celkem poklidná záležitost. Sedíte si u stativu, občas stisknete spoušť... Leckdo by si na takovou photosession vzal z nudy i knížku na čtení. Já jsem si aspoň mobilem vyfotil použitou techniku.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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I guess there's a lot to photography

Thanks 😊

Well, I do what I can 😁

Ha, but it turned out quite unusual and funny photos.👍

So it was just an experiment, but I think it succeeded.