It is that time of the season for the 24-hour flowers to bloom again, with their delicate colors. The good news is that we have another two cactus flowers that will also bloom in the coming days.
The flowers are known as Echinopsis Werdermannii and they are originally from South America. How they made their way to South Africa, I wouldn't know.
I have a collection of the kinds of flowers that I like, and they are mainly cactus flowers with a few other succulent flowers at the end of the post. The reason why I am fond of cactus and succulent flowers is that they are very durable and hardy plants. Even by plucking off a leaf of a plant and placing it into a pot with high drainage soil, it will be sure to grow. They have also withstood all of the wildfires over the years, and they are very tough plants.
Late afternoon and this was the last open photo that I could get of the flower.
Here below you can see that it started waning and it died overnight.
We planted this cactus when it was as small as its babies surrounding it. You can see the elongated stem sticking up from main cactus and it is the formation of a flower. I don't know the name of this plant, but we are excited to see that it also has a flower in progress.
This "Christ Thorn" in our front garden has a long traveling history, as I took a stem from a plant years ago, far up north in the country and it has traveled with us over the years. It has lovely rows of little yellow flowers with a new batch coming out at the top of the leaves.
Nope, I don't know the name of the beauties below, but to me they were very pretty growing between the red and yellow pincushion bushes.
And here below is a fully developed one, and maybe @ewkaw or @nikv will know what it is.
This one is also one of the no name brands that I like, as it makes a beautiful show amongst the greens and whites in the garden.
And there you have it. Just another beautiful flower show randomly taken from my files of this month so far. As I have said before, I don't go out to take photos of flowers, but if I see something that I like, then I will take a photo of it. This area is brimming with flowers at this time of the year, just before the heat of the major summer steps in and thankfully some days are even still cool here. Some locals reckon that the African sun has increased in its intensity and that it's best to walk around with an umbrella. Maybe I should get us two of those camping umbrellas that one can wear as a hat. I could even rig up some hooks on the edges of the umbrellas that one can hang a coffee tin mug and a small packet of biscuits on :)
I hope that you have enjoyed the flowers.
Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.
Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.
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Yuhh I had such variety of succulent on my window and yes it's nice when it starts to bloom. By the way in my case it blooms for 2 or 3 days.
Glad to see that you also had some, but in our case here in South Africa, they only bloom for 24 hours.
Beautiful flowers, the one with green, white, pink and red colour looks lovely. And this one looks like an Aloe Vera👇

Thank you and we at last found the name of the aloe in the picture. They only grow here in the Western Cape. Aloe brevifolia.
I really like this one. The flower is really beautiful, and I love the comoposition, having the flower 1/3 to the left and giving space for the strong shadow. Really nice!

Thank you and I thought the same about the shadow of the flower. That's why I concentrated on getting the shadow in the photo.
Blessings and !PIZZA
Well done!
Thank you!
Oh the cactus!! So absolutely pretty :) It obviously loves it there.
The one you don't know I see for the first time :D
Thank you, and yes, they grow nicely in our garden, as we mix the soil with bags of cactus compost.
We are still searching for the one's name and as soon as we have it, I will let you know.
Thank you also kindly for the curation.
!PIZZA@ewkaw good news as we found the name of the plant. It is an Aloe brevifolia, found only in the Western Cape of SA.
Those succulent shots are very pleasurable! (Here where I live "Christ Thorn" is a well-spread indoor plant and one of my faves, I like it). Awesome walk , thank you and of course a !PIZZA back.
Indoor plants? The Christ Thorn? Be careful that you don't get pricked by one or more of its thorns as they burn like hell.
We plant them here near the fence for security, as no one will climb over the fence if there is a Christ Thorn in front of the fence. Even the wild cats are scared of the thorns.
Thank you and here's also a !PIZZA for you.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
papilloncharity tipped ewkaw
papilloncharity tipped iskawrites
papilloncharity tipped qwerrie
qwerrie tipped papilloncharity
papilloncharity tipped nikv
papilloncharity tipped ramon2024 @papilloncharity tipped @ceciliajess
Wow! What beautiful flowers. I'm also a cactus lover, these last ones are really beautiful, never seen them before 😍.
Thank you and I am glad that I could show them to you.
Your yellow-leaved succulent is Sedum nussbaumerianum, native to Mexico. Your large one night cacti flower keeps its show for night time, as it is pollinated by hawk moths.
I love the pincushions!
Thank you, and at last now we have the name of the yellow succulent.
I know that the one day flowers bloom overnight, but I didn't know that they are pollinated by hawk moths. So interesting.
Yes, only hawkmoths can reach the nectar with their long tongues
Simply amazing and thank you for letting me know.
Very nice flowers , they were very cool all the photos ♥
Thank you for your appreciation of the photos. !LOL