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RE: Catching a beautiful sunrise.

Nope, turns out that my doc will only be back next week. But we found a female doc that also works at his practice and Marian is very happy with her.
She determined that Marian has an infection and gave her some medicines.

Did you have Covid? If so I sincerely hope that you are fully recovered Lady Denise.
Just shows how out of touch the two of us have been and that's not a good thing as life is short.



You are right! I am so out of touch and I apologize! I do know you had the stent put in and that was scary for me. You are so independent! I have not had Covid, but, a few of my siblings have. Nobody in my family has, everyone here takes as many precautions as they can. Even though Marian has an infection, still keep an eye on her. How about you? Are you going to wait for your guy to get back?

That stent operation really took it out of me, as the Prof went in through my groin to the inner carotid artery in my head. Bled so much that I picked up anemia and then I was told that after the light stroke it will take me 3 years to recover.

We are also fortunate as Marian and I have also not had the dreaded Covid.
My eldest daughter was tested positive a day before they emigrated to the UK and she first had to send 14 days in isolation with no symptoms here before their flight and again 14 days in the UK.
Amazing that her husband and her 2 kids had no Covid.

Oh yes, I do indeed keep an eye on her and she is still a bit under the weather, so I will go alone to Friday's first charity meeting of the year.
I will see my guy next week for sure if he is not fully booked as he is very popular.


It is unbelievable the things we have endured in these last two years. As for the stroke, just keep in mind that that's a framework of time, but you're pretty amazing and tad bit tenacious. Taking a step back is helpful just to give your body more time to recover. Can't you make an appointment with your guy today for next week? Or do you have to call him Direct? Take good care of yourself also. I think that you worried about the world and freaking about yourself. On another note oh, your photography has exploded into something special. My prayers for you and Marian. ❤

Me? tenacious? and you have Marian agreeing with you as I have just asked her if I am tenacious.
The she started saying all the things that I am such as hardheaded, hard of hearing and other some such compliments 🤣

As you know in the charity world, if one takes a step back then one creates a mountain to climb when one returns to full time on again. We worked during this festive season and I even posted on Christmas day and today we received a request for a meeting on Friday to discuss some new projects.
I never take the credit for them, as we work to His glory and we cannot back down as His mercy is enough for us.

Thank you for the kind compliment about my photography and you are a very special person Lady Denise.
Thank you also for the prayers and I think that you know that you are also on our prayer list.


Thank you! I understand, truly. You are probably only the second person I've ever told about us running the charity. Except for the people that were involved. Unfortunately it was not meant to be oh, because of my being an American and all the red tape that there was involved of running nonprofit over there with United States money. It was a huge tax issue. Now it would be a little bit better but having all your hard work burn down to the ground in a very deliberate manner was more than I was prepared for. Anyway, I admire you and Marian, but remember, He still wants you to take care pf yourself! I should probably use some time to answer co.ments on my post! Have a great day!

Hope that I gave you ample time to answer your comments milady !LOLZ

Yes I am honored to have been told your story and the charity world as you rightly know is dog eats dog.
We have also survived a few take over attempts at Papillon and it is folly to underestimate the deviousness of people, but thankfully we could rebuff the attacks and remain independent.
This has costed us to this say as the revenge was to drop our income support, but rather that than seeing our efforts to God's glory go up in smoke.
So we simply continue to struggle along and my hope is that what I am building on Hive will secure Papillon's future.

Let me tell you that the toughest thing on Hive is to get to a milestone of 50,000 HP and these last days are giving me grey hairs. But we simply creep along and soon it will be done.
Then I can revert to one post per day and get more time for other things. Such as caring for myself 😉😉

By now another mountain of comments are waiting for you and I will get out of your hair.

Blessings and have a bit of !PIZZA

Haha! There are always a mountain! I cleaned them up last night, late. :)

I am just rolling over 40,000 - I am not sure what any of it means. I am a dolphin and I never thought I would get that high, but, there you go. What is the next step and how many Hive do I need?

Probably too many! One post a day is all I have ever done. Any more than that and the people who vote for me would have to vote again on my post, so I don't. I know everyone does and it is pretty cool, but, I am barely scraping out one. I cannot tell you how much appreciate your support. I am so not worthy of all you give to me.

Blessings, my friend. !LUV

It is unbelievable the things we have endured in these last two years. As for the stroke, just keep in mind that that's a framework of time, but you're pretty amazing and tad bit tenacious. Taking a step back is helpful just to give your body more time to recover. Can't you make an appointment with your guy today for next week? Or do you have to call him Direct? Take good care of yourself also. I think that you worried about the world and freaking about yourself. On another note oh, your photography has exploded into something special. My prayers for you and Marian. ❤