Walk through the Fama neighborhood street market in Murcia Spain - Paseo por Mercadillo barrio la Fama Murcia España

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

This neighborhood is known in Murcia for being quite conflictive, in its streets you can see a lot of garbage, dirt, and carelessness, the neighbors watch you very carefully, with looks of suspicion and guilty in some cases. It is evident traces of narco apartments because they have access to the portal totally free.
During this tour I came across a popular flea market that usually takes place once a week. Many uncomfortable looks as I took out my camera and took pictures of the people. I met several picturesque characters, especially the fruit seller.
He was a reactionary seller who was criticizing the rise of the food that he himself was selling.
It all seemed like a joke or a game to many of his customers but it was a direct appeal to criticize the public policies of the government of Pedro Sanchez.
The rise in the price of food, fuel and everything in general has left society carrying a lot of weight in full slope.
There is a major recession, a global crisis with much focus on the Russian government's war on Ukraine.

@angelescats @ocd
Photography taken with Nikon D3400

Spanish Version

Este barrio se conoce en Murcia por ser bastante conflictivo, en sus calles se ve mucha basura, suciedad, y descuido, los vecinos te observan muy detenidamente, con miradas de sospechosos y culpables en algunos casos. Se evidencia rastros de narco pisos porque tienen acceso al portal totalmente libre.
Durante este recorrido me tope con un mercadillo popular que suele hacerse una vez por semana. Muchas miradas incomodas al sacar mi cámara y retratar a la gente. Me encontré varios personajes pintorescos concretamente el Frutero.
Decía a los cuatro vientos reclamos de la subida y el encarecimiento de la vida estos últimos meses, era un vendedor reaccionario que hacia criticas de la subida de los alimentos que el mismo vendía.
Todo parecía un chiste o un juego para muchos de sus clientes pero directamente era un llamamiento a la critica de las políticas publicas del gobierno de Pedro Sánchez.
La subida del precio de los alimentos, el combustible y todo en general a dejado a la sociedad cargando con mucho peso en plena cuesta.-
Esta a la vista de todos una recesión muy importante, una crisis global con mucho enfoque en la guerra por parte del Gobierno Ruso a Ucrania.

@angelescats @ocd
Fotografía hecha con Nikon D3400













Here I leave the rest of the captures







