Hi there!
Welcome to the next episode of photo-series dedicated to hiking adventures. In my last post, we climbed up some nice peaks in Tatra mountains (Poland/Slovakia). In this post, you will check how was the descent and what the trek of the next day was like. Enjoy😉
After we clambered up the mountain, we enjoy views from Malolučniak (2105 m.a.s.l.).
Wielki Giewont (1895 m.a.s.l.) mountain with the cross on the left.
Time to descent, sadly. We follow the blue marked trail.
Lost hiker?
The nuns, we met on the summit, are on our tail 😀
In the rock there are chains to be hold.
Stone fields.
Dry forest cover. And this is the last shot of our todays descent.
Here is itinerary: ↓ 1162 m
Since we managed to get back in one piece, a bit of Polish beer tasting follows! 😁
Next day, new adventures, right? Although a bit reduced because of beers from the previous day 😁
We are heading to the Smreczyński Lake. Easy and straight trail/road, very busy though(!).
To illustrate how packed it is in here.
There is the lake at some 1.2 km.a.s.l., at the foothills of ~2.2 high summits.
It takes approx. 7 km to get here from parking lot (same route back).
This was 27th & 28th July, 2022. Thank you for reading this post. If you like it, stay tuned as more trekking adventures will definitely come. In the meantime, don't forget to check out my Pinmapple profile to see all places I have visited on the map! See you on the trail😉

Super fotky a parádna túra 😍 Tak trochu závidím, keďže bohužial takéto túry už nezvládam (deformované bedro), takže do Tatier chodíme už len zriedka, lebo tam veľmi nie sú lanovky. Ale v minulosti som si takéto túry veľmi užívala..
Našťastie u nás máme lanovky skoro všade, takže sa vieme dostať vysoko a odtiaľ si užívať aspoň tie výhľady 😊
Jsem rád, že se fotky líbí. Snad se zdrav. obtíže zlepší a budeš zase moct skákat po horách jako kamzík😉
When i see your this photos i feel very relaxed. What a wonderful places You show us.
Happy you like it 😉
Paráda... Jako vždy 👍
Hmm, ses nějak rozjel po tom létě :D Pecička. Jestli můžu nesměle radit, tak do ATW bych přihlásil tu poslední fotku. Porota mívá pro tyhle dechberoucí vodní odrazy slabost :)
Let me also tag my Polish buddy @deepresearch here who is a big fan of the Tatras (and the beer too :D) so I´m sure he will enjoy this post. Prawda, Przemek? :)
@tipu curate 4
Je třeba dohnat ztráty 😁
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Co na to říct? Nic! Jen se mlčky kochat :-).
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😁 díky za podporu, pane😉
NZ :-)
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