Hike #42b: Around Králický Sněžník (Czechia/Poland)

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Hive there!

After LONG time since my last post here on Hive, the follow-up episode of my trek through the mountains between Polish and Czech borderline is finally here. If you missed the first episode, go check it out here.

I wake up in my hammock at some 1200 m.a.s.l. on the mountains Králický Sněžník (Czechia), it is nearly end of October, 7 am. The mountain ridge on the opposite side is part of Jeseníky mountains (from left to right, ranging between 1300-1500m: Šerák, Keprník, Vozka,... Praděd, Vysoká hole).

I get lucky - the clouds, love it! If I was few hundreds meters below, I would see 💩


Alright. Enough sleeping late. Let the ritual of the day begin!

Still too early in the morning, I want to enjoy breakfast somewhere else, so I slowly clamber up the mountain Králický Sněžník (1423 m.a.s.l.). Although we have October, we can pick up some edible berries.

Almost climbed up the mountain. This baby elephant guards the mountains every day in here.

There it is. Králický Sněžník. Sadly, some Polish folks, who do not care about the nature, built a lookout tower there.

Those organized stones form a former Lichtenstein cottage. Perhaps they will restore it one day...


The most iconic valley of these mountains, I dare to say.

Zoomed in at Dolní Morava resort down there. That little odd construction on the left hand side, that is Sky Walk - another way how to attract more tourists to this area and get some money out of them.


Spring of the river Morava.

At last! Late breakfast at 10.

There it is - the one and ugly blender (mixér) - a lookout tower on the mountain Králický Sněžník. Entry is for free. Thus, one can expect coachloads of people in here, especially from Poland due to the fact that there is a ropeway with a cottage nearby from the Polish site. Poor precious nature (which is in fact protected in here as the tower is built in a natural preserve with one of the highest levels of protection).


Either way, the tower must be resistant to quite harsh weather, such as permanent stronger wind, low temps... That is why the tower has got such shape and heavy construction.





View from the top level. Does it differ that significantly compared to the view at the baby elephant? 🤔


View of the Polish site. The mountain in the middle is Black Mountain (Czarna Góra, 1205 m.a.s.l.). Just heading there.


Nearby Swallow Stones (Vlaštovčí kameny).


Tower on Králický Sněžník and the spring of the Morava river ahead.

I was just passing by an extremely busy spot on the Polish site of Králický Sněžník, a chalet Na Śnieżniku (at some 1300 m.a.s.l.). Will have a beer and soup there on my way back.

Looks like firefighters have hiking in combat gear as mandatory😆

Since I am a fan of not beaten-trails, I take unmarked trail and go to the mountain Sredniak (1210 m.a.s.l.) where you usually meet no single living person. This is my way!


A rare picture of myself😄

"Králičák" as we call Králický Sněžník in short quite often.

Damn! Nice rocks over there. Sadly, I missed those and did not mark down their name. Next time I need to explore those.


The mountain ridge further away on the horizon, those are mountains Orlické hory. If you have not been there, do not worry, you can check my post here as I went through those in the past😄


That is all for todays post. Here is approximate itinerary. This post covers events up to the point number 7. The rest next time😉


This was 29th October, 2022. Thank you for reading this post. If you like it, stay tuned as more trekking adventures will definitely come. In the meantime, don't forget to check out my Pinmapple profile to see all places I have visited on the map! See you on the trail😉



Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

What an incredible view to wake up to, and the view all the way is just amazing! Love how you amuse yourself with your sandwich buddy!!

Sandwich buddy😁

Got lucky with the weather. Happy you like it 😉

Daily Travel Digest #1874.

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Kolem chaty pod Sněžníkem jsem procházel teď v neděli v 7 hodin ráno a nebyl tam vůbec nikdo, jenom hustá mlha. Hodně hezký místo, těším se až budu pokračovat cestu po E3 směrem do Jeseníků.

Tak brzy ráno ještě polská strana asi spí 😁

fajn vědět, že okolo jsou lidé zdolávající stejné kopečky. Třeba se někdy potkáme na stezce 😉

Amazing place for a hike

Stunning pictures 👌

No ale podívejme se, to jsou k nám hosti! :D Jsem rád, že jsem tě k tomu konečně dokopal ty lenochu! Soudě dle payoutu tvoje reporty nechyběly zdaleka jen mně :D ;) Velká paráda... Tak tady ještě něco málo od cesty, tedy od TipU ;)

@tipu curate 3

Ty pajoute🤣

Nebyl nějak čas (daňový stres, stěhování, vhodný čas...). Teď jsem třeba zjistil, že se to fajně komponuje při dlouhých nudných cestách vlakem, takže čím víc cest, tím víc postů (teoreticky).

Díky za podporu 🙏

"Daňový stres" :D Ale však víme, klídek... Ok tedy, beru tě za slovo a budu se těšit na další "vlakové posty" :D Teoreticky bys jeden takový mohl vypotit i dnes :D



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Welcome back. I hope o see you posting more as these photos are amazing. I wish I was there.

Appreciate that. Yeah, I had some kind of "pause"😊 Hopefully it gets better now😉

a beautiful natural setting for a walking journey the pictures you take are beautiful. Thanks for your sharing

Beautiful place to visit 😍
But how do you make those lines between the pictures I wonder? 😁

😁 Try using triple *

Thanks so much !KING

Keep up the great work Kingfantagira(3/3) is impressed by the thought and consideration you put into this post. Your work is truly appreciated. @onlavu,

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Keep up the good work Kingfantagira(1/3) is appreciative of the time and dedication you put into writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued. @onlavu,

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Wow, I really love this picture in the above post, It's looks like a land above the clouds, just like in a movie, Wonderful

Great post and congratulations for being chosen for Travel Digest #1874

Upvoted 100%

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