The most delicious kabab I ever had in my life Along with some beautiful pictures of nature

in Photography Lovers9 months ago (edited)

Welcome to my blog..
NAMASTE (Hello) ❤🙏❤ to all of the stunning personalities of the Hive community I am fine and healthy and hope that you also stay fine, happy and healthy with your family

So hello very good evening to all of you today I accidentally wake up at 5:00 o clock in the morning I am using the word accidentally because usually I used to sleep at approx 1 or 2 o'clock at night and wake up at approx 7 or 7:30 in the morning but yesterday my PG mate set some alarms of 6 o'clock to wake up early in the morning but instead of him I wake up because of his alarm and people says that if you wake up early in the morning then it is good for your health but today because of waking up early I face some trouble which I share with all of you just after sometime.

These pictures I clicked at approx 2 o'clock when I was returning back from my office to PG for having my lunch all the my mind is not in a stable condition even after that I clicked the picture of this place because I personally enjoyed the calmness of this place because you can also seen in the pictures that there is not any vehicle not any type of noise just peaceful environment oh oh sorry here in the picture we have one vehicle 🚜 😂 but I am talking about any running vehicle.
Here I was not be able to click the perfect shot of this place I am telling this only because the view which is visible in the photo is only 20 Percent is similar to the feeling which i was getting from that place... All the trees were cutting in such a shape that it creates a rounded effect around the road I think it is little bit visible to all of you. If you visit this place in the evening time then you will realise that this place is more beautiful then day time but the condition is that there should be not much Vehicles on the road.
Look at the vehicle the vehicle is also looking so nice only because of nature when I was clicking the picture of this area then there is one person who was sharing at me I think he is the car owner I thought he was thinking that by he is clicking the picture of my car but actually I was clicking the photo of that beautiful and amazing looking trees whose barker were hanging in the air I have also read it somewhere that if these barkers touch on the ground for a long time then it start growing a new tree there.
In previous of this blog I told you that today I am not feeling good the only reason behind it is that yesterday night I slept at approx 2 o'clock and today because of that PG mate I have to wake up early in the morning and in my case I need at least 6 or 7 hour of sleep to completely recharge my body and because of the interrupted sleep I feel headache for the whole day and not feeling well also.
In the Indian time when I was returning back from the office I decided to buy kabab from this shop because everyday when I use to come back from the office I saw that there is so much crowd presented near the shop to buy the kebab and the shopkeeper is only selling kabab there nothing else so I also think to try it for once.
At first when I visited the shop and see the rate list then it is written that half late is of 70 rupees and full plate is of 140 and because I do not know the quantity which he use to provide so it seems to me a little bit expensive but even after today I take half late of kabab but as you can see in the picture the quantity is really good and if I talk about the taste then it is also brilliant as you can see that there are three colours of kabab in My plate and these all are not different like this is not the case that they are only different in colour but in actual there also different in taste.
The most delicious kabab according to me is the green colour one because its a little bit spicy and along with it is very much juicy like the remaining two were also good in taste but if I talk about the green one then it is the best it seems like it is properly coked and because of the masala which he applied on this it enhance the taste very much. They also used to provide a green chutney to the persons who asked for the chutney I didn't ask it for today because I want to taste the normal kabab without any additional things but next time I will definitely try the chutney also and share it with all of you that how it feel in the initial time I was thinking that it is too much expensive but after eating that kabab the quantity and quality both were really good I can say that be on my expectation and today I understand that what is the reason of that crowd in the front office shop the first reason is that the taste is very good as I shared with all of you and the second reason is that he open his shop at 6:00 p.m. everyday before that time he only prepared those kabab.
Thank you so much to everyone who to support me and who used to give their valuable time in reading my blogs thank you so much from the bottom of my heart love you all ❤️


✒️ModelVivo Z1 Pro
✒️Pixels32 Mp
✒️StateMadhya pradesh

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The kabab looks so delicious brother. I love how you described the green one as spicy and juicy. It's great to hear about your experience with it. Enjoy bro

Thanks brother @theringmaster

You're most welcome man and it was as always a pleasure reading