I didn't even notice it was a photography post, so obviously I'm not qualified to tell anyone, therefore I'd never do such a thing, out of fear of being charged with malpractice.
Dude, I think I am doing well.
And I've been putting little dumb jokes and one-liners all over the place here lately. Having a, blast.
You're qualified bro. I'd say you have a PhD of everything.
I saw one about daltono not having aged his arms in the same fashion he made them bigger. Cracked me up and inspired me to drop an image of his aged left nut on the same post. Just because, why not?
Nah. I just set the world on easy mode.
That dude's a good sport. I'm certain he got a good laugh out of it as well. I think the first time I stumbled into him he was sitting in his car eating raw meat aggressively and I was all like, "Damn. This guy's going places."
Saw the pic. Laughed. Good medicine for that situation I think.
Aggressive raw meat eating is a good marker indeed.
It's good to have a laugh, and better when it's collaborative rather than weighted one way.
Tis a fine art.