Volos is a relatively small city, located in the center of Greece. The population of the city is about 140 thousand people. It has a beautiful port, which is also considered the center of the city. You can find a lot of cafés there, where citizens usually spend their evenings. Especially during sunset, the view from the port is magnificent. Below, you can find some pictures I took minutes before sunset. But to get started, here's a photo of the city:
This photo was taken from “Kordoni”, as the locals call it. It is basically an extension of the port which goes all the way to the lighthouse.
This one is from the lighthouse, at the edge of “Kordoni”
And more photos taken from the port:
Plus a bonus photo, which is not exactly sunset, but I thought it would match the topic:
I hope you liked the photos. If you did, and want to learn more about the city, you can visit its Wikipedia page (link below):
Beams on last photo - quite interesting.