
This is a throwback to February 2019 (I think!) when myself and Richard gaynor had a photoshoot with Indrija at a studio in Nottingham. I will always remember that day as I got a speeding ticket as I headed into the city centre, doing 33mph in a 30mph zone. I was shocked, maybe I shouldn't have been, after owning up straight away when the letter came through and a few days later I got a reply saying "Thanks for owning up, as you weren't over the 10% bracket plus 9mph you won't be charged, but please don' do it again!!"

Anyway back to the shoot.

I've been fortunate to work with some great models over the few years I've been doing this, but with AIden, Indrija is one of my favourites, a lovely person, extremely talented and a natural.

The Ice Queen Cometh..

For this image I took a standard shot and zoomed in a lot! And then did the following edit over the top of it. It was at a time when I was experimenting with photoshop, learning and trying different things and trying to do my own edits rather than following tutorials. I do like this shot a lot looking back..

Indy 9.jpg

The next shot is unedited and straight out of camera. I have literally stumbled on this whilst deciding which images to post, and it just exhibits Indrija smouldering as only she can. This was taken in an American diner setup but the outfit, lipstick and microphone just gives this the look of a femme fatale fron a black and white film noir movie..


Back to the stuff I edited! This is the image in my selection of stuff still to post that caught my eye. As well as the paint brush and rose petals, I'd also bought a Steampunk bowler hat with goggles which we got some great shots on a plain white background which lends itself to me adding in backgrounds and other funky stuff..

Indy Steampunk.jpg

My favourite shoot of the day is below. I bought the fake rose petals and a paint brush from B&Q, and we set this up in a little garden setting in the studio. I felt weird almost squating over Indrija to get the shot but she wasn't fazed (at least I hope not) and we nailed this shot pretty quickly..

Indy 2.jpg

Going back to the diner and blatant photoshop edits I was going for an artistic look, without going over the top, I hope you like..

Indy 12.jpg

Disco Bunny

The final image (As I need to start work in a sec) was one of the final shots of the day. At the time, Richard would bring a large Rabbit head to shoots for the model to wear. No I don't get it either lol, each to their own :) But we had Indrija put the head on. As per the below image this was shot on a plain background and the image didn't really jump out at me. Until I got home and did some Photoshop magic, and disco Bunny was born!

I can't find the original edit of this that I did so the Disco shot is actually cropped from my Instagram feed..

Indy 15.jpg

Disco Bunny


4 minutes until clocking on time, just enough time for me to add this final (final) shot for this post. Thank you very much for reading if you've got this far, I really hope you liked my images..

Indy 7.jpg

As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75

Thanks very much for looking

Kind Regards, Neil


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Manual selection by @qwerrie.

I love it. Statement made! Nice photos! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks very much 😊

These are some gorgeous shots. After seeing the final results, i am surprised you were speeding more than just 3mph over the limit! hahaha

Wow❤such a beautiful photographs.

Thanks very much 😊

Some great shots here mate, Indrija is a great model to work with, I’ve shot with her a couple of times. Didn’t know you knew Richard, he’s a mate of mine way back from school, so I do the odd shoot with him, I don’t do many studio shoots though as I’d rather be out in the middle of nowhere doing landscapes, but I don’t mind the odd studio shoot, especially with a model like Indrija, she’s brilliant.