I love how you described it! The summer! The freedom! The old times!
Clearly, we are lots years apart, my childhood and yours...but the feeling is the same. I love summers as they remind me of a great fun and beautiful childhood.
I used to envy the ones that grew up jn the city, as I grew up in a village (comuna) near the main town. So I thought I'm the unlucky one. Now I got to realize I am the lucky one being around nature.
I think if a childhood is a happy one, it doesnt matter where that kid grew up. Maybe I would have had a beautiful childhood to the city as well, but that is not something i can tell. I just know i had an amazing childhood. I hope you get my point here.
Cool shots. Love the..poppies are amazing to photograph. I have a photo being in 2nd grade in a field full of poppies. Nice memories.
Never been to other roads than the highway when driving to Cta. Looks nice.
Thank you very much, it gives me great pleasure and joy to know that you enjoyed this evocation of childhood. There is indeed a big difference between our childhood times. You were probably born in a democratic Romania. I stepped into democratic Romania after living almost half a century in communism.
What has remained similar I see is that we had our childhood spent in the countryside and we enjoyed it, even if later we realized its true value.
By chance, I went to the high school in Bucharest where most of the children of the communist nomenklatura studied, from Ceausescu's son (Nicu, who was older than me and I didn't meet him) to the children of various communist leaders, children of ministers... It was a pain and a great shame for me when the teacher asked us, in the first hour after the beginning of the school, where we had taken our holidays. Only a few of us, including myself, invariably answered that we were at our grandparents' home in the countryside. The others, only to the mountains and the sea! At the time I didn't understand how good it was with me, I would have liked to go to the sea, too.
About the road to the sea. There is an exit from the highway at Cernavoda or the next one, at Medgidia, on some secondary roads, I think they are called "judetene" roads. They are not good roads but I like to go there to see part of Dobrogea. When I go to Balcic, I leave the country via Negru Voda. The road is pretty bad, both in our country and in Bulgaria... but I like it.
Well, I've read in one of your posts that you are around 70 yrs old? Or maybe 6 and something?....I hope I'm not wrong and I'm sorry if I am. You just mentioned the year you were born or something. I dont remember exactly. But if thats the truth, than you could be my grandfather, as I'm only in my early 30...31 more exactly! hehh...So yeah, different times you and I. 😁
yeah, as children we tend to suffer more on these matters. You've been through a lot. It wasnt easy in those times.
Luckily,kids in this epoca, are more probably to travel since childhood or at least going to the sea once...compared with older times.
I'm not sure if we'll chose to go to drive to those judetene roads but I'll keep it in mind. Actually, talking about this. This december when we were in Cta, we nearly had to go through there because on the gps maps it said the autostrada is closed. But it was a bug or something. It couldnt be close but we risked and go. But we thought of avoiding it and go on some other road, one of these judetete roads.
We'll travel more frequently to Cta, I guess. So maybe one day we;ll see these roads too.
You weren't wrong and you shouldn't be sorry if you were. I'd be glad if you were wrong by about ten years, haha...
I'm 69 plus a few months or 70 without a few months. I'm closer to 69, to be a bit coquettish... My brain thinks I'm much younger, my body has started to feel my real age.
I suspected your age exactly. It's an age when you have to enjoy it to the fullest.
These bypass roads are not wanted by anyone when they rush to get to the sea. I don't recommend trying it without doing your own research (as they say when you want to buy crypto...), my wife and I have opinions and like strangers, less spectacular things or places. We have friends we disagree with on some issues, we find we like different things. Because of this, I'm afraid to make firm recommendations and when I do I'm afraid I might recommend something that others don't like.
Maybe ask your friends in Constanta if it's worth going there. Normally, they should know better.